Thank You

Thank you to everyone for all the kind wishes for our little guy. Roman is four weeks old today and I'm happy to report is the easiest and sweetest little baby. Before he was born I was worried about feeding issues but we were well prepared with special bottles and he eats like a champ (not to mention sleeps like a champ.) We are finally getting a rhythm down and adjusting to real life, but in the meantime I just snuggle with this little man all day long.

ps: The doctors have started taping his mouth to prepare for his first surgery in May.


  1. He´s beautiful. Congrats again! Love the stripes. Oh, and pretty new header :)

  2. I'm so happy that life with sweet baby Roman has been smooth so far.

    Great photos, beautiful flowers.

    Also love your new header.

  3. Aww! I remember the DynaCleft Tapes! So much nicer than what they used to do.

    Happy that it's all going smoothly for your family!

  4. Anonymous2:47 PM

    Ah, there is nothing sweeter than little baby toes! I love that photo and for all the memories it evokes.

    Continued best wishes for all that you have upcoming.

  5. he is absolutely precious! Look at those toes! I could eat him up! :)

  6. They grow so fast, don't they? Snuggle away! So glad you are both doing well. Congratulations and thanks for the updates.

  7. welcome sweet baby roman!

    we are praying for yall down here
    in our little home in florida.

  8. Patricia5:13 PM

    Beautiful picture! So glad things have been going smoothly for you. Hope Moses is adjusting well to his new little brother. Your birth pictures are just perfect! Thank you for sharing those with us.

  9. absolutely beautiful! so glad to hear you're getting lots of snuggle time with your gorgeous new boy. best wishes to you all as you prepare for his first surgery in the coming months!

  10. He sounds like a great little guy. I am sure he will be a trooper throughout his surgeries. My thoughts are with you! And keep cuddling because it goes by so FAST!!

  11. so sweet. love this photo and am obsessed with your birch flowers.

  12. he is beautiful and we all wish him the best going into his first surgery.

    absolutely love your adorable new header.

  13. Look at that big toe stretched. Sooo cute! Lucky you with a good feeder and a good sleeper. Sounds like you have a keeper. :-)

  14. Baby toes!!! I wish I had taken a bajillion more photos of my children when they were little. Be blessed.

  15. swoon! baby feet! glad all is going well. and i really hope you didn't just jinx yourself by writing about his great sleeping. ; )

  16. He's wonderful and fabulous and so are you two!!! Mazel tov and enjoy every minute - he looks like such a sweetie...

  17. he is so, so beautiful!!
    praying for successful surgeries and speedy recoveries in the near future!

  18. He's so sweet, baby feet slay me!

  19. I want one! Look at those long little toes!

  20. Anonymous11:38 PM

    He's so yummy. Beautiful, thanks for sharing.
    sara L.

  21. best of luck with the surgeries.
