Birth Photos

Aubrey sent over the rest of the photos from the birth so I thought I would share a few here. I love having these photos, I am so glad we had a photographer there.

Ps: As we were walking out the door to the hospital these flowers from my favorite florist Birch were delivered to our house for Valentines Day. Paul was very happy that he killed two birds with one stone and only had to to buy flowers once instead of twice for V-day and the birth. Aren't they pretty?

All photos by Aubrey Trinnaman


  1. Thanks so much for sharing, Jordan! Such a lovely idea to have a photographer at the birth; I will definitely be following your example. And the flowers are beautiful!

  2. Beautiful pictures and beautiful flowers. (way to go, Paul!)

  3. Congrats, Jordan. Such a lovely little guy.

    And on a much more superficial note, I LOVE your new header!

  4. I love the pictures, flowers and new header.

  5. beautiful son. I love the new header too!!

  6. thank you jordan for the props,
    your little man rocks!
    - torryne from birch

  7. I think I was in that exact room at cpmc! either that or they all look the same : ) congrats. beautiful photos

  8. These pictures are absolutely gorgeous. Wow, what a wonderful idea. I also love that his name is Roman. I'm Polish and one of my favorite uncles is named Roman. It makes me smile!
