Man Shops Globe

I tried to tivo Man Shops Globe a few different times but somehow it never recorded. It is a show about the found objects buyer at Anthropologie, Keith Johnson. Essentially it shows him traveling the world and finding lovely things to reproduce and sell to me. I happily discovered I could buy the episodes off itunes last week and have watched almost all the episodes. It really is inspiring, after every episode I'll say something to Paul like, "you know, we really need to go to Turkey" or "How come we've never gone to Holland?" Some of my favorite of his discoveries are: those chairs from Holland covered in old oil paintings, the Calligraphy bed from France, and that amazing chandelier from South Africa made from recycled bottles.


  1. thanks, jordan: this is fantastic news as i always forget to watch it on tv! off to itunes to stock my phone :)

  2. Same thing happened to me-I tried in vain to Tivo it and it would never tape. Good to know.

  3. Yes, this show is awesome.

  4. every time i see that show i think 'i want that job!'.

  5. You really should go to Turkey. I went there last summer and fell in love! Definitely worth it. :]

  6. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Yes! I've tried to record this as well for some time and am so happy that it is available on ITUNES. I can't wait. Thank you for posting this info!

  7. I have never heard of this show...again now another show i MUST watch! And that job sounds like one i NEED to figure out how to get!

  8. I finished watching a couple of months ago. I love Anthropologie but now I love it even more now. I work in retail with buyers/planners and I thought it was very interesting how the VPs of this company of been around for 10 or more years...that says a lot about the company, the vision and the love.

  9. Anonymous6:13 PM


    So when will I be able to order one of those chairs from Paul? I'm serious!!


  10. I'm with Analecia, buy flea market chairs, have Paul paint them and sell them off. =)

  11. great to know! i'll have to watch it in my down time :) p.s. i'm in the midst of planning a trip to turkey this may!

  12. I went to a premiere party for this show in Boston. We don't have cable, so sadley it was my first and last time to watch:)

  13. I've never heard of that show, but now I'm curious! Thanks for the ideas!
    Lila Ferraro
    Queen Bedroom Sets

  14. that is just too awesome. i will be watching this.

    also, love your birth photos. beautiful!!!

  15. Can't wait to watch it - thanks for the tip since we're out of the loop w/o cable. Looks like it will be in Netflix too.

  16. That amazing chandelier has found a home at the White House. Obama purchased it for his daughter.

  17. Cute new blog design!

  18. Oh how I wish I got the Sundance Channel! I've been wondering about this show since I first heard about it. Maybe they'll put it on DVD one day?
    I did a post about those chairs on my blog last year, and the exhibition of them at the Rockefeller Center Anthro:

  19. What an amazing job! I've never heard of this show, but must check it out.

  20. i love that show. He has the most amazing job in the world.

  21. I knew that crazy chandelier would be out of my price range, but I thought I'd look it up anyway...(I had guessed over a thousand bucks) imagine my surprise when I found out it was $4800.00 PLUS $250 for shipping! YIKES!!!! Guess I'll have to try it as a DIY project.
