Paris Flea Market

I've only been to the Paris flea market twice but I can honestly say it is my favorite place in the whole world. I'm happy that it is so close and so easy to get to and it is open every weekend. I'm planning on getting to know it really well. Les Puces de Saint-Ouen is the largest flea market in the world and it is amazing as you would imagine it to be. It is made up of a maze of alleyways and a some buildings with everything you can imagine. I'm going to do another post on how to get there because I feel like there isn't any information online that is very very clear. Here are some pictures from the last few weekends.

Have you been to the Paris Flea Market? Do you have any tips or tricks?


  1. Oh my gosh, that looks wonderful!! If I'm ever in Paris, I'm going straight for the flea markets!!

  2. Ah! I always miss the flea when I've been in Paris. I must make a point to go next time.

  3. I have been to a Paris flea market one time, a different one than this, and I was in HEAVEN! I am SO jealous you get to go all the time! I found a beautiful linen cut out table cloth that I will cherish forever. Happy hunting!

  4. So....were there any treasures you just couldn't live without? I'm sure looking is the best part,it must be terribly difficult to narrow it down.

  5. Lucky you! I would be SO broke if I were anywhere near there. My daughter is going to Paris for the very first time, next week (for a few days)....too bad some of those chairs wouldnt fit in her suitcase!

  6. Hi Jordan, I have to agree, the Paris puces are some of my favorite places ever. I can't think if a better way to spend a morning-or an entire day! There is so, so much that I think it helps to come armed with a mental list of what you're hunting for to help edit. And lots of cash! The Puces de Vanves is wonderful, too. Your photos are gorgeous & have me dying to go on a Paris flea treasure hunt!

  7. oh my goodness, so many things to recover!!

    paris + flea market = heaven!

  8. I like the chairs! And do you speak French? If you don't, how hard is it to be an English speaker over there?

  9. oh my, I was at Clignancourt several years ago, best flea market in the world indeed. I dream about it...and Paris, almost daily ;).

  10. Oh this is so going on my list of places to visit when I go to Paris in April. Thank you so much for sharing! I would've never known otherwise.

    Do YOU have any tips for me?

    Ladaisi Blog

  11. Oh, wow, so much visual stimulation! Beautiful pictures! I think I'm particularly smitten by the pair of lemon yellow chairs.

    Did you walk away with anything?

  12. what wonderful photos. looks like a flea market heaven. :)

  13. catherine7:06 PM

    Would you mind posting directions soon? I am leaving for Paris on Thursday for a long weekend trip and we plan to go to the flea market. Some inside scoop on how to get their would be much appreciated!

  14. Anonymous7:08 PM

    WOW. Wooooooooooow. Flea market heaven! What did you buy!??

  15. Oh, MY! All those CHAIRS!!!!!!

  16. Look at those fantastic chairs! This looks so great.

  17. That giraffe's head is amazing, I can't believe that was at the flea market, so different than what we would see in the states!

    I only wish I had been to the Paris Flea Market. One day!

  18. looks like such a magical place!

    ps. i like your scarf!

  19. I'm having so much fun watching your life in Paris. Keep the great photos coming!

  20. So, so wonderful. Definitely on my list of places to visit one day.

  21. this fleamarket looks like heaven. I.Need.To.Get.There! x

  22. Re: Directions. Yes, please! I went last fall and LOVED it, but did have a pretty hard time finding it. Directions for next time would be super helpful...there will be a next time for me (who knows when?) and for now I'm soooo jealous that you can pop over any weekend!

  23. I am love love loving your Paris posts. Please don't stop!!!!!

  24. Please tell me you are getting the Giraffe!! Do, do, do!
    Oh my, so may treasures! So very, very envious of your adventure. Makes me feel very dull as I live in England and have only been to France once. You and your adorable family are an inspiration in so many ways.

    But seriously, get the Giraffe! x

  25. Be still my beating heart! When I was in Paris the ONE thing (okay, not the only thing but a big thing) I wanted to do was hit up the flea didn't happen. I gotta get back there!!

  26. It's been years since I've been there. I've forgotten how amazing it is--thanks for the wonderful photos!

  27. I'm glad I'm not the only one who would like to encourage Jordan to get the giraffe! :-D

  28. Oh wow, those beads! Exactly what I've been looking for at flea markets here in LA, but haven't been successful at all. Jealous!

  29. Anonymous9:03 PM

    Oh man I am crazy jealous right now. The masses of treasures over there are just unreal. I'm sure you're loving it!

  30. Oh my goodness, Jordan, how did you contain yourself? I would have wanted to buy everything in sight!

  31. Looks fabulous!

    Btw you look more radiant than I've ever seen you!

  32. Words can not describe my envy.

    I am so excited to see what you find to spruce up your apartment.

    Someday my dream is to go france and send home a whole container of furniture and goods for myself and for clients.

    SO so very jealous.

    Glad I get to live vicariously through you!

  33. I love the little yellow chair so much <3

  34. OH MY GOODNESS! What wonderful eye candy. I am green with envy.

  35. i love those santas!!

  36. Tracey10:15 PM

    Your post brought back such wonderful memories. We visited Paris in 2004 from Australia and found my engagement ring in one of the gorgeous antique shops in the market. We couldn't get over what you could buy there. Is an amazing place!

  37. Anonymous10:19 PM

    When you post directions, please post hours and days it is open, as well. Thanks. It looks fantastic. Enjoy it all!!!!

  38. those chartreuse-y tufted chairs are spectacular :)

  39. HOW is Paris sooo chic, without even trying? I just spotted not one, but THREE chairs I would love to own!

  40. Wow, how very cool. Just hard to fit it all in your luggage. How are the prices, reasonable or outrageous?

  41. Lechat10:50 PM

    Le marché Dauphine et le marché Paul Bert sont mes deux balades favorites du dimanche ! Je recommande la petite galerie WAWEART dans le marché Paul Bert !

  42. Thank you for letting me live vicariously through your blog!

  43. Wow! Come I come live with you and shop with you and blog with you?

  44. Wow, how fun! What a great way to furnish your new place. I'm so envious ;)

  45. Wow, I want to go there SO BADLY.

  46. Totally agree with most of the other comments here. Paris+flea market = amazing!
    I've yet to visit Paris but I will put this on my list... even if I won't be able to take anything home, it looks like it would be fun to explore.

  47. Oh man, this has got me excited. My husband and I are planning a trip to France and Switzerland for next year, and this is EXACTLY the kind of thing I'm hoping to find. Thank you for sharing! And PS, I'm loving that elephant-print scarf. Very nice.

  48. Ha :) sure that giraffe head is legal?! :)

  49. oh. wow. i wouldn't ever want to leave! please do share what you bought! xo

  50. Ahhh...yes, please post directions. I'm heading over in July and this is a must do on the list! Merci beaucoup!!

  51. Yes!! I was there just last weekend and loved it so much went two days in a row! I bought the cutest Joan of Arc toile dessert plates! Sadly, they've risen prices over the years due to all the American's flocking to the scene (that's what some of the French-residents told me)! But it's by FAR my favorite find in Paris as well! The furniture is all so gorgeous but unlike the States, is just a tad over-priced. It's a great place for inspiration and fun finds...lines, old (used) postcards, oil paintings..the list goes on and it's a total dream!!

  52. it's absolutely breathtaking, i can see why it's your favorite!!!

  53. Check out Jules Vallees - this is Serpette, Paul Bert and Marche Biron (all vendors) rolled into one. You can find Jules in the open air part and has a lot of old kitchen and household items. Dauphine also has some good finds. Total hit or miss. I also wanted to write this in my last post, have you found Picard Frozen Food? It's the French verison of Trader Joe's. I know there's one on rue Grenelle. Kinda near you right? I sound crazy for writing that, but they great stuff when you really don't want to cook. Loving your journey.

  54. Ha! I was totally lost the first time I went to the flea market. I knew I was close, but walked in circles forever!

  55. gushing. just literally gushing.

  56. Oh my gosh, if I lived in Paris, I would be hauling both of the yellow chairs in the pictures home with me!


  57. It looks like heaven.

  58. never been but now DYING to go! you and your blog are adorable!

  59. Oh my gosh! I was there in October and I wanted to go sooooo badly but got bad info on the time and day and missed it by 2 hours. *jealous*

  60. on my word, your photos are delicious!! what great treasures. and I love your elephant scarf - where did you get that?!?!

  61. the paris flea market looks amazing! all of those chairs and the endless possibilities of all the little trinkets!!

  62. I think I might go absolutely nuts over those vintage clothing patterns.

  63. oh! you put me to shame! i've been in france for 5 years now and have never once been to this flea market! i have been to the largest brocante in the southwest (port de lanne) though!!! ;) i LOVE your blog, LOVE your photos, so bright, light, colorful and happy! you inspire me, you've seen more in paris in your few weeks in france than i have in my 5 years, i'm down here in a pretty little countryside suburb of paris, it's gorgeous here, but i need to get out more! would love directions to the flea market!

  64. I was took part on this show with my family members. It was such a very best and superb function. I like to visit again.

  65. Oh please do give us some good directions. I've been to Paris a good few times but have never been to this market!

  66. to me, the best places there are Paul Bert and Vernaison
    quite expensive, but you definitely find what you are looking for..

  67. Thanks! I am compiling a list of markets, thrift stores, etc. to visit this summer-would you mind posting the names of the thrift stores you visited and recommend? We will be in France for a few weeks for my sister-in-law's wedding and even though my husband is French, I bet he has no idea what the best markets/stores are! We've done the touristy stuff on several trips, so I've decided to turn this trip into an antiquing expedition! Merci encore!

  68. Going to Paris in June for the second time & this time around I'm determined to get some flea market shopping done~ Thanks for your great post! Did you learn anything useful while you were there?


  69. Please do post more about the Paris flea market! It looks like an amazing trove of treasures. Are things affordable or is there a "this is so romantic" upcharge?

  70. Wow, your life in Paris sounds so wonderful. You write so lovely, and are so inspiring and energetic. I am currently in Patagonia, it is the end of summer here, but it is warm thankfully. I am spending 2 months here with my 2 little ones visiting my parents but there are no flea markets or even thrift stores here just people that make things, artists and artisans.
    Keep writing about your adventures so lovely!

  71. Jordan, again I'm SO JEALOUS! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Paris flea market, and like you, couldn't find how to get there online, so I wrote one on my blog.

    I'm trying to get myself back there this year again, but please continue to do posts on your finds. You can even start a business finding small things to re-sell online, or even maybe big things when you find out how to ship them out. Good luck and happy hunting!

  72. What a fabulous flea!!! I seriously need some of those spools...

  73. Fantastic photos!!!! I feel like I am there. And boy do I wish I was! Be sure to visit the smaller market the Marche aux Puces de la Porte de Vanves. I found some wonderful smalls there: school maps, photo albums, wooden toys, barware...etc. All the dealers that I interacted with were very friendly and relaxed. Happy shopping!

  74. Your posts make me want to move to Paris!

  75. Have been several times and I love it, love it, love it! Quite jealous that you get to go whenever you want!
    Have you been to the restaurant yet with the entertainer who sings Edith Piaf while you eat? Such an experience.

  76. My husband and I will be in Paris for a belated honeymoon and I can't wait to check out the flea market! If you have the time and have any recommendations for us, I'd love to hear from you!

  77. The flea markets in Paris and the south of France were the highlight of my trip last summer! I am anxious to return!

  78. i love les puces! going back to paris in september and can't wait to stop by again. those stools in the last photo are amaz. where did you find them? and did you get in trouble for taking a pic at the taxidermy shop? :)


  79. All those beautiful, colorful beads! I would have gone crazy buying up all I could afford.

  80. Anonymous3:42 AM

    Would surely make my trip there as soon as possible.

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  82. This comment has been removed by the author.

  83. That's amazing! I wish I could have gone when I went to Paris! Everything has so much character!

  84. check out the flea market @porte de vanves
    metro porte de vanves
    saturday&sunday morning
    great deals to be had and you can still negociate!

  85. porte the vanves is more affordable than clignacourt. how ever spaking english is hard the get good deals.
