Living Room Tour Part 4: Sofa

Here are the final pictures from the living room. Jenny suggested the Schumacher floral pattern for the sofa and she built the color scheme around that fabric. We painted the two bookshelves we already had Benjamin Moore's Celery Salt. The sofa we got from Crate and Barrel a year or two ago (they no longer make that exact model). And the lamps we bought from Target (they are poor quality and I don't recommend them.)

There are still a few things I need to do (I'm switching out the white drapes for light blue drapes) and the tv wall is unresolved (I want to get a bigger cabinet and I changed my mind about the art on that wall.) But the room is 90% done so I'm happy with it.

The room is so much cozier now and feels "finished." Which was my goal all along.


  1. It looks great! I love the pillows you used. It must feel wonderful to have this room (and so many of your others) decorated...90% counts in my book.

  2. A beautiful and functional space. Congrats!

  3. wow!
    i love the space. you did an amazing job! i especially love the toy area.
    must be nice to feel like things are decorated. would love to have that feeling someday..

  4. Sooo pretty!

    But where do you put your drink when you're watching TV?

  5. Anonymous11:33 PM

    The room looks fantastic! I am amazed at how many needs it's solving--desk area, toy storage, TV watching--without feeling crowded at all. Lovely!

  6. The room looks really lovely. Just a (humble) suggestion...since you're thinking of replacing the drapes, I would eliminate the pole all together. The arched windows look lovely and are a nice architectural features. I think they would enhance the room. I'm sure your decorator can suggest a way to give you privacy while at the same time enhancing the arches. Alternatively, you could change (paint in white maybe?) the pole.

  7. i think we have the exact same tv. love the room!!

  8. loving the red piece of furniture. so very 'jenny' to me.

  9. I would love it if you featured your red and turquoise side tables! I need to see their beauty up close!!

  10. I think it looks perfect. :)
    But whatever else you do with it will I'm guessing will make it look even better.

  11. Looks great! Love that Schumacher floral to pieces - especially on that sofa. You are so buttoned down and ready for your baby! Impressive!!!

  12. I love what you've done! It looks GREAT!!
    I'd love to have a layout similar to yours but we "problem placement" of the front door, fireplace and hallway. Grrrr. I think we're just going to have to get a sectional to solve our problems. Your living room looks awesome and I love your color choices!

  13. this is gorgeous, well done! i love the mix of floral patterns and stripes. great balance.

  14. Its so beautiful! I love it so much.

  15. I love the cowboy photo. Does your brother sell them? I would love to get his contact info if he does. my email is if you have a second to send your brother's contact info to me. Thanks!

  16. Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous. It looks like a simple, sophisticated, happy room to live in...great job Jordan (and Jenny!).

  17. Patricia3:56 PM

    Jordan, what an amazing space. Looks awesome! I've been meaning to ask you where you are going to put the new baby? I know you live in a small space and I like the creative ways you make it work. I, too, live in a small space with two little ones, so I'm curious about how you're going to create a new space for your newest addition. Thanks!

  18. I'm curious about your opinion of the nate burkus piece in ikat. I love the look of it, but went on the hsn site and saw some reviewers said it was cheap, while others said they loved it. What say you?

  19. I want to eat your room. yummy . I am slowly falling into the small town suburb decorating scheme. yuck. Your super cool urban house is cleaning up my thinking

  20. I love your living room. I'd hate for you to see my plain, drab one. Perhaps I should hire a designer . . . . . too bad I live out in the middle of no-where. Literally. Thanks for sharing your space!

  21. The room looks incredible, you and Jenny obviously make a great team!

  22. Wow, Amazing!
    The room looks Fabulous, its loving. I like your pillow style on the Sofa , the style of pillow with sofa are gorgeous. One feel relaxed as soon as they enter this room. A beautiful and functional space. Great creativity. I love the mix of floral patterns and stripes.

  23. and that really stands out!

    COngratz !! really do like it
