Living Room Tour Part 3: Chairs and Settee

I bought these chairs off Craigslist a year or two ago planning to have them upholstered. The fabric was pretty but worn out and dirty. Jenny suggested we recover them in this little yellow velvet trellis material. I really liked the tiny pattern and velvet is so soft. I had them upholstered by Cortland Upholstery. For the price and the turn around time (less than a week) I was VERY pleased with the job they did. They also picked up and dropped off the chairs. We topped them off with some stripey pillows.

I knew I wanted some other sort of bench seating but I was having a hard time finding something the right size. Jenny suggested this little Nate Berkus Settee (it was sold out but now it is back in stock.) It is just long enough you can kind of curl up on it and I loved the ikat fabric. The ottoman I bought at a flea market a year or two ago was reupholstered in this pretty yellow and white pattern. The art is a print my brother made by Richard Prince (with an interesting back story right here.) The lemon pillow is from Jonathan Adler and we had another made out of some orange velvet.

Tomorrow I'll post the rest of the pictures.


  1. These are gorgeous! I love the pops of yellow and the striped pillows.

  2. It's so cheerful... decorated but still spontaneous.

  3. Looks great Jordan! Interested in the pattern on the walls in the adjacent that wallpaper? Also, what does it cost to reupholster chairs like the ones you did? Can't wait to see more!

  4. Hi Jordan! I love those yellow chairs, great form. This past week I was looking at the Nate Berkus settee and was having my doubts. It looks really good, might have to get it :)

  5. Anonymous6:26 PM

    I love your house! (and your blog!) I've had my eye on your Richard Prince poster for a while--can I ask how your brother did that?


  6. Kristen6:46 PM

    I'm loving your finds--the settee, the corner desk/armoire. Thank you for sharing!

  7. Love the Craigslist chairs. Inspiring me to find some of my own:)

  8. I love the sette. I have been searching for something about that size for our living area. I must just have to scoop one up too. I like how it came all together and it looks great!

  9. I love the yellow and navy!
    I'll be back tomorrow to see the rest!

  10. I'm using that settee in my latest edition of Making it Yours! It looks fantastic in your home (along with everything else).

  11. i am absolutely loving this tour of your home. you've done some really awesome stuff.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. such a lovely seating area! i love the size of the settee and the striped pillows.

  14. you have a beautiful home, jordan! what a city to live in and what a fabulous place to call home!

  15. Oh, I loooove those chairs!!

  16. love the color scheme. so bright and cheery. how nice to have this done before your baby arrives!

  17. Love it. I really like the upholstery fabric with your striped pillows. Plus, great job mixing fabrics.

  18. that ikat fabric is giving me heart palpitations, i love it so!

  19. i love this! that ottoman kills me -- do you remember the fabric name? i love the nate berkus sofa, too.

  20. SOO fun! Love the ottoman! Such a fun, relaxing, playful feel to the room.

  21. Daaang, Jordan. I really like that room. Great job--you and Jenny.

  22. I love what you've done with the chairs!! Mixing the patterns, yet staying perfectly complementary...beautiful!!

  23. what a pretty space you have.

  24. Anonymous7:55 PM

    I'm with Abbey. I love the room but I am dying to know the fabric on the ottoman.

  25. I am seriously jealous. We just moved into out new flat and I am desperately looking for ideas... and this is great!!!

  26. love your yellow velvet chairs! great fabric pick — and what a score on craigslist.

  27. thank you for sharing these pictures! Great job! I, too, am curious about how your brother made the Richard Prince poster. I didn't figure it out based on the NYT link.

  28. Great room layout, very multi-functional!

  29. anyone know where that lemon pillow came from??

  30. like the combination...stripes with yellow, quite interesting :)

  31. Oooh this room is fabulous! Love what you've done with it :)

  32. Hi there! Found your blog through Jenny's. I just love your living room and your minimalist non-plastic approach to toys. After seeing Jenny's post about your living room, I ordered the Nate Berkus settee. It should arrive this week. I'm hoping for good quality, especially with those little brass wheels. How's your experience been?

  33. What do you search for when looking for chairs like these on Craigslist?

  34. I am in LOVE with those chairs! Seriously, if I could have one of them right now for my bedroom, I'd be ecstatic. Makes me wish I could clone furniture :)
