Instant Film

Ever since I got that old polaroid camera for Paul we've fallen in love with instant film all over again. I love the 4"x 5" size, I love that each photo is one-of-a-kind, and I love that it is instant. The Fuji film I bought off ebay ends up being around .70 cents per exposure which is cheaper than when Polaroid was affordable. We have a large ever-growing pile of photos sitting next to the computer. For more information on the camera go here.


  1. inspiring. i have an old polaroid in the closet. wonder if i can still be lucky enough to find film somewhere?

  2. You're really making me want that camera. But I have no camera budget at all. Love it.

  3. Cool! I think I might get one!

  4. These pictures look beautiful! I am really liking the size as well. It's a great alternative to polaroids, and dare I say, I might even like this just a tad bit more! :P Just don't tell anyone that I said that!!

  5. Those photos are fantastic. Also fantastic- that stool. Love all of the above.

  6. I have an old polaroid as well (a 680 SLR) but i just can't justify spending over $2.50 per image. I miss it really really bad though.

  7. THIS IS AWESOME!!! seriously.

  8. Anonymous2:06 AM

    These are wonderful! Makes me want a polaroid camera.

  9. the good old days ...
