30 Things Before I'm 30

I made a list of 30 things I wanted to finish before I was 30. I finished almost half and made significant progress on another seven. So I'm feeling pretty good about it. I love lists.

1. Go sailing again with Paul
2. Have lunch with 15 different friends. -only nine!
3. Go on an overnight get-away with Paul -didn't finish
4. Read 2 new books
5. Feel like every room in my house is "decorated" This one is almost done so I'm counting it.
6. Organize filing system
7. Go to the dentist
8. Hire cleaning lady back
9. Clean out storage space Half done!
10. Have a giant garage sale Nope, Will have to wait until spring.
11. Throw a simple 30th birthday party
12. Set up an awesome play area for Moses
13. Sell one of my letterpresses almost!
14. Finish organizing/setting up studio -didn't finish
15. Send out letterpress Christmas cards -nope
16. Sign up for farm produce box -nope
17. Don't use any disposable grocery sacks -failed
18. Organize Insurance information
19. Research treatments for clefts and local hospital programs
20. Read the Book of Mormon -part of it
21. Finish Christmas Shopping by December 1st -I finished 95% by the 1st so I'm counting this
22. Get Life Insurance Policy set up and get a Will
23. Finish Moses' baby book -still working on it
24. Throw a Christmas Party
25. Submit Tax Materials to Accountant by Jan 31
26. Get babysitting Co-op going again -nope
27. Get a massage (or two)
28. Date night once a week -We did this about half the time.
29. Make photo albums: one for each year of our marriage + vacations. -still working on it
30. Nest and make the new baby some beautiful things


  1. Garinee9:34 PM

    Great list...you've inspired me to make a list of my own!

  2. I cannot wait to do #8 on your list!

  3. Good work! If you like lists I suggest visiting www.teuxdeux.com.

  4. Do you mind sharing what program you use for your photo albums? I need to do the same as you mentioned in this regard!

  5. I'm not much older but I've learned to make my lists shorter! I admire your energy. Good luck finishing!

  6. i was so inspired by this idea that i created my own... i would love for you to check out my blog!

  7. You did great!
    I had a list like that too when I turned 30, did not get to cross it all off the list, but working with purpose towards it was great!

  8. honestly, it's sort of nice to know that you didn't finish the whole list. i already have an inferiority complex. kudos on accomplishing so much!

  9. I love lists too! It feels so great to cross something off:) You did a great job on yours! Happy belated Birthday!

  10. Great stuff, I think Ill make one of these myself. Im 25. So I definely have some time. But not much. Cheers!

    Oh and I love your blog!

  11. I would so love for you to do #17, would it help if I sent you a lovely fabric bag?

    You can comment on my blog or email me:


  12. let me know if you really want to sell one of your letterpresses... :) I think I would be able to give it a good home.

  13. Anonymous6:16 PM

    That's a pretty good list! Are you going to blog about selling your letterpress? I am actually in the market for one!

  14. I love this list - it reminds me that I need to make one before my first baby is due in April '11 ! Thanks for sharing!
