Radio Silence

Sorry for the radio silence over here. It has been hard to get back into the swing of things after that long vacation. Here are some things I've been doing:

Watching the entire Season one and Season two of Mad Men. Soooo good and sooo addicting. Once you start watching just plan on not doing anything else for the next few days.

Teaching letterpress Classes. I loved these cards that Sarah and Ryan from Lab Partners designed and then printed in my class. {They are so talented.}

I read In Defense of Food which has me really thinking about how we eat. I read Malcolm Gladwell's Blink which I loved and I read 100 Years of Solitude which was wonderful and made me weep.

I've also been trying to take advantage of all the great things going on in the city. is a great resource for that.

I'll be back blogging like normal on Monday. Have a happy weekend! (If you've sent me an email over the past few weeks I'm still trying to answer them all.)


  1. About your recent reads...I absolutely loved One Hundred Years of Solitude! If that one made you weep, definitely read Love in the Time of Cholera (if you haven't already, of course). You won't be disappointed, I promise!

  2. I just did the same thing with Mad Men. Season 3 starts Sunday, August 16! I'm way too excited!

  3. Oh, yes. Mad Men is deliciously addicting. We used to watch 3 episodes a night after the kids went to bed. It's practically impossible to watch just one at a time.

  4. I blazed through season 1 of Mad Men am on the library waiting list for season 2, should be mine any day now!

    Another great food book is "Food Matters" by Mark Bittman. I'm addicted to the "More vegetable than egg fritata" recipe.

  5. i just finished reading both Omnivore's Dilemma and In Defense of Food. we are working our way thru Mad Men. watching all that smoking makes me feel so glad that i finally quit. but the clothes and the furniture - wow. nice to see your pictures of your trip. you have a great eye.

  6. I'm watching Mad Men too but getting one disc at a time through netflix. Tortuous!! Love your blog.

  7. I love this post. I'm so excited to check out the books and I already love!

  8. those cards are gorgeous!!!! i wish i could take one of your classes, you do some amazing stuff & are obviously very inspiring!! :)

    also, moses is gorgeous!!!! i have been reading here for awhile & i absoulutely love the photo you posted recently after he was born, when he was crying, with the title 'Moses is mad at us'. SOOOO cute!!!

  9. my husband and i watch mad men every night before we fall asleep on netflix! it is so addictive...

  10. those cards are AMAZING!!!! and sounds like you're up to fun and stimulating things, as always xoxo

  11. same here, when i get entertain and so addicted with my favorite program its like i am glued to my seat. but i think its good way to ease your mind and relax your body for awhile.

  12. great share. i am looking forward to get addicted with books soon when ill have the chance to go on shopping.

  13. Anonymous9:40 PM

    Hi Jordan! Thank you for listing that site. With the hard economic times hitting and 3 teens- it's hard 2 figure out what to do on the weekends. Fantastic recommendations, by the way. Thanks for sharing!

  14. hey, thanks for the tip on the website. my husband and i are always looking for last minute ideas on the weekends and this one looks like a great resource.

  15. Jennifer J.4:02 AM

    I just spent the last 3 days watching back to back episodes of Mad Men...up till 5 in the AM one day. Soooo good.

  16. I will have to check out Mad Men. We have been looking for something to watch this summer. Great books you have been reading.

  17. i love love love Mad Men. I wanted to read in defense of food....

  18. I really love those cards!

  19. Mad Men is AMAZING! Can't wait for season 3 which starts in a few weeks!

  20. Mad Men is so addicting. Not in the suspenseful Lost kind of way, in a this is so good and intriguing I have to find out what happens and why is Don Draper so awful but I like him at the same time kind of way. I'm trying to not watch season 2 too fast.

  21. Thanks for letting us know what you're reading. I've been looking for some new ones to add to my list and you pointed me in the right direction!

  22. I will second reading Love in the Time of Cholera. I liked it better than One Hundred Years of Solitude. I watched the entire first season in one night.

  23. Counting down the days for season 3 of Mad Men to begin. Best show on TV hands down.

  24. Mad Men is the best. Season 3 is finally coming soon. :) woohoo

  25. i heart mad men, can't wait for august and the new season!

  26. You are certainly not alone in spending a weekend with Don Draper and co. I can't stop! I justify it with creative inspiration and research:)

  27. I just finished the first episode of season one and I already know what I'll be doing the rest of the night! Also, I too highly recommend Love in the Time of Cholera.
