Decorating by the Book

I borrowed this book from my friend Bille and I've been busy the past few days following the steps in the book to finish decorating the apartment. {By "finish" I mean I want rugs chosen, things painted, art hung, and throw pillows committed to.} I've been spending an obscene amount of time on Craigslist the last few days too.

In case anyone was wondering, I still miss Domino Magazine.


  1. Must find that book!

    RIP, Domino.

  2. I checked this book out from the library and have spent much of the week pouring over it, wondering what I'll do in our new Boston apartment.

  3. oohhhh, decorating books are the best!!! even when i'm not decorating, i love just flipping through them!!

  4. I've been pouring over Craigslist lately too! I think it's because it's yard sale season and I keep thinking what could be.

    I have to get my hands on that book. My old Domino issues are getting too worn!

  5. I MISS DOMINO!!!! Nothing compares. My mom bought me the book for my birthday, last year. Can't tell you how many times I've oogled at it and used it!

  6. great book recommendation! i'll definitely have to check it out. i ran across some of my old Domino issues the other day and had a little moment of silence. :(

  7. Need to do these things too. Darn library doesn't have it in and I'm now second in the request line for it. Hmpf.

  8. Anonymous6:37 PM

    love this book! did you hear about the online magazine lonny coming this fall. i think it is being started by michelle from rubie green! i can't wait!

  9. Isn't that book beautiful? I just like how it looks on my coffee table. I'd like to design my living room around that cover! Have fun finishing!

  10. Oh, Domino [sniff!].

  11. I'm still looking for an online petition: BRING BACK MY DOMINO!!

    (I chopped up/recycled all my issues- I should have saved them all... sniff)

  12. Anonymous9:28 PM

    Me too. Le sigh.

  13. I subscribed to Domino and received just one issue before the magazine went under. Devastating :(

  14. Me, too. We are slowly but surely renovating our house and I am constantly consulting the book, making inspiration boards, repurposing, etc. I've dubbed it my Domino The Book of Decorating Design Challenge and, I have to say, it's been quite helpful! Just wish I had a spare money tree to help me finish more quickly.

    GL with yours:)

  15. Me too, Jordan. It's sad, but... snif..

  16. This book inspired me to do two wallpaper feature walls in my house.

  17. *Sigh*. I miss it too!

  18. I miss Domino too! Hope their book helps you to make some of those final decorating decisions. It's hard when there are so many choices.

  19. I need that book! I miss Domino so desperately! Thank you thank you!


  20. It makes me laugh everytime I see this book in a Potter Barn Mag.

    No I mention it you will see it.. lots.

    (Linked over from Sussy)

  21. i lucked out and the last time a Domino Mag rep came to our office she gave me a copy of the book. but it does make me a little sad to see it and know there are no more magazines coming...

  22. me too! At least I have some old issues..but it makes me sad to look at them!
    Domino was the best magazine ever!
