Postcard Birthday Poster DIY

This project is part of a campaign I'm doing with Yahoo! Mail on different ways to keep in touch with family and friends. I had wanted to recreate an easier version of this big project I did for Aubrey last year and this seemed like the perfect time. I contacted the artist, Shanna Murray, to help me come up with artwork for a poster that everyone could download. It says "I'm so glad you were born" which is my favorite way to wish someone happy birthday. If you have a special person whose birthday is coming up here is how it works. You download the pdf below made up of 25 different pages that each have a part of the poster or "piece of the puzzle" on it. Then you email each page to a different person like their family and friends and assorted lovers. Then each person prints it out on cardstock, cuts it out, writes a note on the postcard, and stamps and mails it to the birthday person. The birthday person will get love notes and birthday wishes for a week or two from everyone they know as the postcards trickle in with the daily mail! Find detailed instructions and the download below!.

Step 1: Decide who you are going to give this surprise to and get their mailing address. You'll also need to make a list of 25 friends and family with their email addresses.

Step 2: Download the 25 sheet pdf. Each pdf has some basic instructions explaining the project but you'll need to include more detailed instructions with your email. Here is a sample of instructions you could include:


I've put together this little poster project for (__________'s) birthday. It's pretty simple and just requires you to print out the attachment of this email on cardstock, write on it, stamp it and drop it in the mail. Then (_________) will receive all 25 pieces of the poster in the mail like a puzzle. (__________'s) birthday is (_____) so please mail it between the dates of (_____and____). If for some reason you can't send your card in will you please let me know so I figure out a plan B.

1. Print out the paper on a heavy paper like cardstock.
2. Cut out the card.
3. Address the other side of the card to (_____________) fill in address.
4. Write a note to (__________) feel free to get creative, draw pictures, or even mail it in an envelope and attach old pictures.
5. Stamp it and drop it in the mail between (______________and__________)

If you have any questions email me at (______________).

Step 3: Send an email to each person with a different attachment and instructions.

Step 4: If you want you can send a follow up reminder about the mailing dates. When we did it we tried to get everyone to send it in but I sort of liked that a few came up missing, it wasn't "perfect."

Download the 25 pages with postcards below!

A special thanks to Shanna Murray for the beautiful design, to Aubrey Trinnaman for the photos and for Alexis Birkmeyer for pulling it all together. What do you think? Would you ever do this? Do you think you could get 25 people to mail in a postcard?

All photos by Aubrey Trinnaman for Oh Happy Day


  1. Cassie1:38 PM

    I want to do this! But the person Id be sending it too doesn't collect anything (she throws greeting cards away after she's read them!) so how do I keep her from throwing the first couple away before she realizes i was a puzzle?

  2. Awesome idea...creative, beautiful and thoughtful :) Thanks so much for sharing it with us!

  3. This is such a clever idea. Thanks! I'm going to organize it for my Mom's birthday. I'll let you know how it goes.


  4. Oh, this is so sweet and thoughtful. I definitely want to do this!

  5. thisis such a wonderful wonderful idea! xx

  6. Totally brilliant! in love with this, great idea gals.

  7. LOVE! I will definitely be using this!

  8. So funny, Jordan - I've loved this project ever since you posted the original version and just mailed out a version of it today for my boyfriend's 40th birthday - which is in early June. I designed an image in photoshop and had it printed on 40 postcards - which he should receive in the coming weeks. I'll be sure to post about it on my blog once the surprise is over and he's received the cards and assembled the puzzle!

  9. i love this! so cute! i want to do it for my sister on her mission.

  10. Oh my goodness, this is awesome! I'm going to do this for my husband's 30th birthday in July. Thank you so much, how amazing!

  11. Awesome! Life made sweeter just by the anticipation. You may no longer be a kid but this will certainly make you feel like one again. And that’s the best birthday present ever!

  12. I love this idea! I'm definitely going to do this for my daughter who will be turning 12 this year! I know she will LOVE it!

  13. i LOVE this idea!

  14. I loved this project when you did it last year and now this smaller version seems even more doable! My mom's birthday is next month and I am seeing most of our family this weekend, I think I'll get them on board. Thank you!

  15. Fun! Love the polka dot skirt too.

  16. I love this idea! Thank you for putting together the template and doing all the hard work for us—I'm book marking this for someone special. (p.s. today is my birthday! i wonder if i'll get anything like this in the mail...)

  17. Jordan Ferney + Shanna Murray?! A match made in heave. Love this project and will most definitely be using it for every future birthday.

  18. I love this idea! Especially if friends from all over the world participated! You are so clever, sweets!

  19. i love it! i would totally do this. thanks!!!

  20. I am totally doing this for my husband's 30th birthday next year!

  21. twobrunettes11:16 PM

    genius!! I wish someone was doing this for my birthday its tuesday!!! Kinda too late... Love it, going to do it for someone :o) great way to get everyone involved that can't be together

  22. Anonymous11:44 PM


  23. This is amazing, and I'm so doing it for my husband this summer. YES!!!!!! Ooh, I better get started!

  24. My daughter will be celebrating her 18th birthday away at college...I am so doing this so she will really feel the love - such perfection.

  25. I can and WILL do this. Brilliant.

  26. I'm so going to do this! I have a friend living overseas who will love this.

  27. Jordan, this is my favorite project you've created yet for Yahoo! I love snail-mail and Shanna's sweet designs.

  28. I love this! I think if someone did this for me, I would just cry! :) Thanks so much for making this downloadable. husband's 40th is coming up.........

  29. Anonymous12:46 AM

    LOVE THIS!!!!
    Definetly thinking about who I can do it for!
    Lisa in NZ

  30. Love this so, so much, thank you Jordan! I am already making a list and gathering emails to do this for my mom's mid-July birthday.

  31. What a great idea! I've got to use this sometime in the future!

  32. Anonymous2:32 AM

    This is an awesome...and equally awesome is that polka dot skirt! Can you give some info about it?

  33. I love this! I have a sister celebrating her big 5-0 this year and I think this would be a great idea! Thanks for sharing!!

  34. oh my goodness! this is a wonderful idea!

  35. I absolutely love this! such a beautiful idea.

  36. i am so excited to try this!

  37. Love it!

    So many ideas....

  38. what a lovely idea.

  39. Amazing idea :) I immediately sent it over for my brothers 25th birthday. His friends got excited. Hopefully we will make it by tuesday. Thank you for these great tips you are sharing :)

  40. What a great idea!!!
    I can't wait to the next birthday of someone to do it!!

    Thanks you for your generosity, for sharing such a good idea!!

  41. Fantastic idea! Just what I need for my niece who has a birthday soon.

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  42. I would TOTALLY do this! It's such a touching gift to pull together and could be a lot more meaningful than a wrapped present. I could see doing this for a big birthday 30, 40, 50, etc. There is nothing better than receiving sweet words from loved ones and then to have it all come together in a wonderful Shanna Murray design is like the icing on the cake. A truly great idea and thanks so so SO much for the download!

  43. a jordan ferney + shanna murray collaboration can only equal awesomeness <3 cant wait to do this!

  44. this is such a beautiful idea
    totally in love with this

  45. Elizabeth Lee8:21 PM

    This is so precious! My mom's birthday is June 2, so I don't think that leaves enough time for all 25 to send it in the mail. What do you think?

    Thank you for all of the WONDERFUL and creative projects you post on your blog as well. I have become addicted :)

  46. This is AMAZING! I can't wait to try this! Thanks for sharing and your blog is super cute. :)

  47. Absolute MAGIC. Every now and then an idea is just so perfect you could cry. Well, I'm cryin'! x

  48. Anonymous5:57 AM

    Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave today [30 May 02:00am GMT]. Thanks, Maria

  49. You always have such beautiful, thoughtful, meaningful ideas - these kind of presents are truly the best! Thank you - I absolutely plan on doing this!!

  50. Anonymous8:21 PM

    You get involved in some of the coolest projects! So jealous of how creative you are! :)

    Best of luck, loving it!


  51. Gorgeous idea! I fell in love with it!

    summer hugs
    Monika from

  52. Great ideas. You efforts is appreciatig. I like your project.

  53. wow. i love this idea! thanks for sharing.

  54. Oh my goodness I love this! I have been trying to think of something fun for my Grandma's birthday and this will be perfect!!

  55. Anonymous12:51 AM

    This is such a fun idea!! I can't wait to send one!!

    Would you mind if I shared your wonderful idea on my blog with a link back to you?

  56. I love this idea! I'm doing a little twist on it for my son's second birthday. While I would like to think everyone would follow the instructions and mail the card back, I just can't be sure. So...I'm printing them all out myself and putting them in a basket in our entry way and will have everyone write a note to him as they arrive to the party. Once the party's over, I'll arrange and frame the poster. Love the idea..thanks!

  57. love this idea, especially because it involves snail mail, which is definitely a lost art. :)
