Happy Weekend

I'm so happy the weekend is here! We are working on getting our apartment "finished" before tourist season starts and all our friends and family come to stay at Chez Ferney! The weather has been so perfect the last month or so we always have the windows wide open. I don't want it to get any warmer! Here are some pictures of our neighborhood. The one on the right is our street (remember what it looked like in February? Much greener now!) Do you guys have anything fun planned this weekend?

I also write for Babble.com. Here are my posts this week!

Raddest party idea that I wish I'd thought of.
Whoa! Did you see the new designer Target teamed up with? Be still my heart!
Want to see the baby bedding I got for Roman? (It is florescent!-See the picture at the bottom.)
Would you spend this much on a piggy bank? (I confess I might!)
Are you familiar with these Japanese design books? They're my favorite!


  1. Your view is awesome! and I love those blog posts for babble! Great work.

  2. Something I've been wondering....Parlez-vous Francais?

  3. Uh, so pretty! I very much so love your view. I would take it instead of my view of another apartment building and my college, haha. So pretty.

  4. happy weekend! paris is so beautiful (while i was there, i especially loved the jardins or cafes), enjoy it!!

  5. Anonymous4:22 AM

    Where are your shoes from?

  6. So lovely pictures.It was like shopping WE for me:D I had many shoppings for my aunts and of course my mum:)Happy mother day to you and all mothers!

  7. Hi Jordan, I thought I saw you and your lovely family walking on the market Richard Lenoir today (sunday may 8th). I wanted to walk over to tell you how handy you're directions to Les Puces are. I used them this saturday and they were spot on!
    But I had to catch the train back to Amsterdam so I had no time to waste.
    So now I'm telling you from my sofa in Amsterdam: thank you!

  8. Hello!

    Just wanted to say I've seen your husband yesterday morning in front of the BHV at rue de Rivoli! Nobody cares but I just wanted to say! :D
