Letterpress Cards for Design Mom and Maggie

Here are some cards I made last January before Alt. My sister Design Mom always does so many nice things for me and I always tell her I want to print her cards but she is always crazy busy and doesn't have time to design them. So I just designed some simple ones with her logo and surprised her with them. They are printed two color on thick cotton paper.

For my friend Maggie at Mighty Girl, she wanted simple cards that had her first name printed with a blind deboss with a heavy impression. Then we hand painted the edges of the cards a nice blue.

If you would like us to design and letterpress print something for you please read more here and contact us for a quote.


  1. I love my cards. Thank you, Jordan!

  2. Simple, yet effective

  3. Love the simplicity of both cards. Especially how you painted the edges on Maggie's.

  4. I love the blue edging on Maggie's cards!

  5. Is Design Mom really your sister or did you mean blogging-sister? haha..If it's the former, I had no idea ,and love you both! A talented little family you guys come from : )

  6. very cool, i think they're both so nice and fit their style perfectly!

  7. Anonymous1:25 AM

    That looks really pretty, I love it!

    Camila F.

  8. L.O.V.E. I can't stop reading both your blogs and having a total spell that I'm not going to Paris this year. Insert giant sigh here.

  9. Anonymous3:48 AM

    Ooo, I love the cards that you made for Maggie!

  10. crazy how much i like maggie's card. and well done on surprising your sister.

  11. really nice cards! great job you ve done there

  12. Both card are very beautiful, great job.

  13. LOVE the painted edges. They're stunning!

  14. Anonymous7:14 AM

    hi jordan where happens to be this cute clutch from
