Wallpaper FAQ's

I actually get a lot of email about my wallpaper. Here are the answers to FAQ's about my wallpaper.

1. Where did you get your wallpaper?
I bought the wallpaper from Sherwin Williams. Their site is not user friendly but if you want to look it up the pattern number is #SW8EG5315.

2. Can you really remove it?
Yes, it is "Easy Change" wallpaper. (I call it renter's wallpaper.) When you move you pull it right off and you only need to go over the wall with a damp cloth, you don't even need to repaint. We tested a section of it and found this to be true. The bad part is they don't have a great pattern selection.

3. Was it difficult to put up?
YES! I always joke that Paul and I almost got divorced over it. :) It is definitely a two person job and it got really frustrating and took forever. My husband is a perfectionist and we had to get things lined up just right. If I was going to do it again I might look into having a professional do it. That said, if you like a project and have the time and patience, it is totally doable.

4. Was it expensive?
I can't remember the exact number of rolls we used but it turned out to be around $600 by the time we finished the entryway and hallway. That is a lot of money for something we are going to have to take down but we knew we would be in this apartment for a while so it was worth it to us.

Here is a picture from two years ago of a bearded man who wants to get divorced. But look how pretty the walls are!


  1. hi hi hi! Thanks for the info.
    Have a lovely week!

  2. we did easychange wallpaper, too, and decided to wallpaper the DAY before our wedding. we felt pressure to get it up before our honeymoon and everything.

    i second your experience - it was just one tiny wall and we were ready to call it quits by the end of the day!! (don't worry - we powered through and still got married. but it was touch and go there for a few hours.)

    love your choice of wallpaper, and it looks fantastic.

  3. Anonymous5:03 PM

    I have been scrolling through patterns all weekend. love it. I am going to buy a couple of rolls for a wall in our apartment. I think my sweet husband probably wanted to divorce me after a few projects I put him through in our last house.

  4. ha! i totally relate to your wallpapering experience.
    i just finished wallpapering my studio last week, and after the first few hours i kicked my husband out and opted to finish it myself than to listen to his ramblings.
    it is stressful/tedious stuff, but when it's done it's easy to forget all the pain!

    and, i LOVE your entry way!

  5. It's FABULOUS!!

    I love the picture.

    Boo Radley and I almost got divorced over a conversation we had on walls and flooring once.

  6. this was hilarious and extremely helpful!

  7. About 10+ years ago, on TV I saw a great wallpaper solution for renters.

    Fabric + Liquid Starch.

    On the show they dipped the fabric in a bucket of starch and applied to the walls (just the lower portion of the wall), smoothed it out and let it dry. It peels if off to remove it.

    I have yet to try it, but it looked do-able.

  8. Sweet, thanks Jordan! Man do I ever love that wallpaper.
