Paris Guide

Another email I get a lot is for the Paris Guide from our Honeymoon. Paul's coworker lived there for several years and gave us this list just before we left. We had an amazing trip and everyone we give this to comes back raving about this guide. I like it because it has things that aren't in the guidebooks. We spent time everyday picnicking on the Seine. It was perfect. Go here to see it all.


  1. Ohhhh! I so want to get on the direct flight from Salt Lake to Paris right now. Too bad I have to pick up my kiddo from day care in a few hours.

  2. This is perfect timing for me, as I'm off to Paris at the end of May (with a 2 year old in tow!). There are some unexpected recommendations in this guide--thanks so much!

  3. So amazing! I always daydream about going back to Paris!

  4. Super sweet! I'm collecting this in my Paris inspiration files... I'm wishing I had a trip planned (but there will be another visit in my future).

  5. What a great guide--and thank you for the reminder on Sainte Chapelle. I haven't thought about that since art history class!

  6. oooh, ooh! thanks! after a weekend watching julie and julia and coco before chanel, i have france on the mind and am dying to go.

  7. What perfect timing! I've recently moved from San Francisco to Amsterdam and am taking a trip to Paris for the Easter weekend. Can't wait to use this guide! Thank you for sharing!

  8. Picnicking on the Seine *sigh* I'm so very jealous right now ;)

  9. Anonymous11:21 PM

    I just want to share that my husband and I used this guide when we were in Paris last March and it was truly great to see things that weren't in the regular guide books. We did more than half of the list (we were there for 10 days total) and can't wait to get back there to finish off the rest!
    Thanks for sharing this with all of us out here on the internets :)

  10. That was fun to read...there were a few things I haven't done yet, i.e. visited DOM and the mosque. Great tips. Curious what you thought of both personally...

  11. Kiwi and I also honeymooned in Paris... it was absolutely magical.

    We ended up renting an apartment from Haven in Paris instead of staying in a hotel... It was so nice to be out of the tourist zone and in a real neighborhood. I would absolutely recommend it to anyone!

    P.S. Your list is just perfect!

  12. That guide is great! We ate at le petit prince when visiting Paris last year and it was AMAZING!!

  13. This is perfect! I know I'll be needing this for a vacation in Paris I always dream about. Thanks!

  14. *sigh* If only we were going to Paris right now! What an inspiring list! Thanks for sharing!

  15. I too give the list an enthusiastic thumbs up. It provided some of my favorite moments to my first trip to Paris two years ago with my husband and nine-month-old daughter.

    Now I just need to go back to finish off the rest.

    Great, personal, sincere recommendations.

  16. Wow-they lived at the same address where i used to live in paris. That area of the 7th is wonderful. The whole guide is great, I just passed it on to my sister, who's about to take her first trip to Paris!
