What I'm Reading with Martha

This month for the Sony Reader Campaign I'm doing with Martha's Book Club we're reading Cutting for Stone by Abraham Verghese. It is a super fascinating story. The book is the narration of one of the twin sons born to a nun, Sister Mary Joseph Prospect, and a Surgeon, Dr. Thomas Stone, that she is the main assistant for in a hospital in Ethiopia. You can imagine that raised some eyebrows. Sister Mary Joseph Prospect (and the book uses this complete name every time it refers to her) dies on the delivery table. Dr. Thomas Stone is devastated by her death and does not want anything to do with the twin boys. Two of the other doctors, the Obstetrician who is a woman, and the other main doctor on the staff raise the boys, who eventually also become doctors. The book is the story of the search by the one son to find out all he can about his parents. In the process, the reader gets to enjoy views into the lives, loves, and thoughts of many intriguing characters. I love this book so far.

Also, they aren't paying me to say this but I am really enjoying the Sony Reader. It is very much like holding a pocket book but much easier to turn pages, save your place, put in your pocket, etc. It's perfect for traveling or even just hanging out at the beach. Sony is offering $50 off the Pocket Edition (the one I have.) I'm looking forward to using it as we travel all over Europe this year.

Martha is interviewing the author on her show today. Have you read this book? I'm curious what you thought?


  1. Anonymous11:57 PM

    i literally just recommended this book to about 10 people today, not knowing about the martha thing. one of the best books i've read in recent years, and has become one of my all-time favorites.

  2. Absolutely love Cutting for Stone. That and "The Hummingbird's Daughter" were my favorite reads of 2010.

  3. I love love love this book! I hope you will enjoy it, too.

  4. Amazing book! I am suggesting it for my book club.

  5. I am reading this book right now as well (it wouldn't gain enough votes in my book club for a selection). I am absolutely loving the journey and following such a beautiful life story!

  6. I just read this a couple of weeks ago, and loved it! The characters are amazing, and I'm definitely recommending it to several of my friends! Enjoy!

  7. Loved, loved, loved Cutting for Stone. I recommend it to everyone!

  8. Sounds like a great book. I am going to look for it. Thanks

  9. Anonymous7:10 AM

    Praise. Sister Mary Joseph Praise.
    Loved it.

  10. Hi from Sweden! Could you recommend a beginners book on letterpress? Love your blog, /Lisa

  11. So many people have recommended this book to me! I actually bought a paper copy before Christmas, but haven't had a chance to read it. It looks long and intimidating, but I've heard you really get sucked in and it's a quick read. Looking forward to reading it!

  12. I had the pleasure of hearing Abraham Verghese speak at the Common Wealth Club in SF this past August. You can still listen to his talk in their internet archives, if you're interested. He spoke about his book and about being a doctor and medical researcher. It was a great talk, and a great book!

  13. Anonymous7:53 PM

    I got a lot of recommendations to read this book and I absolutely loved it. Fabulous story and great writing!

  14. It's one of my favorite recent reads! So interesting and well written.

  15. I just finished Cutting for Stone in my book club. Everybody loved it. So good!

  16. This book took me a while to get into and almost stopped reading it. BUT it is one of my all time favorite books and when someone asks me how I liked it I always put my hands to my heart and tell them I loved it.

  17. I'm in the middle of the book now, I love it!
