So Far, So Great

So turns out living in Paris is pretty awesome. I had been warned that everything is slower in France when it comes to getting things set up. So we came in with low expectations but we've been very happy with how things are coming together. (We still don't technically have a bank account, cell phone, or place to live, so maybe I am being optimistic.) I have to give credit to Anne from PretaVoyager (she is also a Design Sponge editor) who we hired to help us look for apartments and act as a translator. She is so helpful and awesome. There are things on the burner so hopefully by the end of this week we will have all three.

Here are some pictures Paul took in the neighborhood we are staying, Montemarte. The first few are pictures of our building (and the six flights of stairs) plus the view from the balcony.

photos by Paul Ferney for Oh Happy Day


  1. oh, how wonderful.

  2. Having low expectations ia a good way to live and almost a sure way to be content.

    Hope you find the apartment of your dreams.

  3. wow, that view is absolutely amazing!! hope things fall into place for you all soon so you can finally relax and have that sense of "home". :)

  4. I am so envious of your adventure. I spent my Jr year of college in Paris and I love the city. I am looking forward to reading about your time there.

  5. I just can't get over how it always looks exactly the way it's supposed to! And you're going to learn French! So glad you're enjoying it, and can't wait to hear more!

  6. This is so amazing! I'm moving to London in September so we are in "similar" boats. Bonne chance! (good luck)

  7. Is it weird to think that, in a way, you're living the American Dream by running off to France? ;)

  8. Happy to hear that it's going well. I've been a reader of yours for a while, and I've been following your move happily. I moved to Paris a year and a half ago, and I couldn't love it more. Enjoy!

  9. Oh, I love it! Looks beautiful!

  10. hello, jordan! glad to see everything is going smooth.
    i stayed in Montmartre, too and I loved it.
    Good luck!

  11. Looks amazing! I will actually be renting a Paris apartment through HIP in April, so I'm looking forward to your posts on adventures in the city!

  12. absolutely beautiful!

  13. AH, i LOVE Montmartre, it was my favorite area of Paris!! if you can, stay there! these pics are just lovely :)

  14. You are defying all odds, Jordan and I'm super impressed! It's been a pleasure helping out and getting to hang out with your wonderful family in this amazing city :)

    Fingers crossed the rest falls into place!

    Bisous, Anne

  15. Montmartre-what a great place to start your Paris adventure! What a beautiful part of the city.

  16. That sounds pretty good! And Montmartre, well, there can be worse neighbourhoods to live in that this one :)

  17. robin k9:00 PM

    Love the pictures!

  18. what a great adventure! i've been following your sister's and your travels over to france and find myself thinking of you all a little throughout the day - so exciting and such a reminder that it can be done if you just go for it!

  19. Looks a fabulous neighbourhood. Enjoy.

  20. These photos make me we weak in the knees. They are beautiful and I am most envious of your move to Paris!

  21. that apartment is ridiculous (the good kind)!

    also, it's social media week in paris this week, if that's something you'd be interested in.

  22. you should definitely go to Rose Bakery in your neighborhood..delicious, and they speak English which is always nice!

  23. This is all so wonderful! Love that you (and your sis) are making these dreams happen.

  24. go get a red balloon for Moses - stat.

  25. Oh wow, I can't describe how happy I am for you! Those images are incredible.

  26. Have you taken your kids on the merry go round in Montmartre yet? I LOVE that neighborhood! Enjoy

  27. Ahhh!!! This is so exciting for you. I can't wait to see more!

  28. Anonymous9:44 AM

    The correct spelling is Montmartre, not Montemarte.

  29. welcome to Paris! good luck with apartment hunting!

  30. I am so excited for you guys! Hope this is a great and productive week for you!

  31. What a fabulous view. So glad you're settling in nicely! Erica's place is absolutely gorgeous!

  32. soooooooo HAPPY for you guys!!!!

  33. those photos say it all! what a beautiful city.

  34. I love it. Paris is my dream city and my husband has no idea why. It is just those simple pictures. I think we are planning on going this fall. Yeah!!!! So I am taking lots of notes.

  35. Montemarte looks beautiful! i would love to pick up live somewhere else - it sounds like such an adventure. good luck finding a place!

  36. These photos are gorgeous! I live 30 minutes away from Paris and yet this is not the kind of thing I see every day. Makes me want to go into the city more often! With young children it's not often possible, but since you're already living there... wonderful!

  37. Looks absolutely lovely! You are living out a dream of mine. I am going to live vicariously through you for the next year! Bon chance!

  38. Your temporary pad is beautiful - love it. Can't wait to see the more permanent digs.

  39. Sandle1:30 AM

    What an adventure! I lived in Orleans, about 80 miles outside of Paris, for four years. Loved it! Soak in all that you can and happy apartment hunting!

  40. Best of luck! Looking forward to keeping up with your adventures in Paris. I'm totally living vicariously through you!

    I lived in a 5th floor walk-up for several years. Like in your case, the view (mine was of the Manhattan skyline) was worth the trek.

  41. Anonymous7:24 AM

    reading about your move chips the cement blocks off my immobile feet. just a little. :) cheers!

  42. this is going to be fun not just for you and your family, but all of us out here. thanks for sharing your adventures!

  43. just got back from Paris on saturday, I miss it already I want to move there so badly! love it.

  44. Anonymous12:58 AM

    i lived in this building!! my husband and i lived at 14 rue houdon, and have moved to ny now. montmarte is definitely the best area of paris by far!
