New Home

Yea! We found an apartment. We just signed a contract yesterday on a 2 bedroom apartment in the 7th. The picture on the left is our street and the picture on the right was taken 100ft from our front door (see that big metal structure in the background?!) I had been looking in other neighborhoods but this apartment is really large and has a great layout compared the other places we looked. I also love that it is partially furnished so we can still decorate but don't have to worry about finding big things like beds or couches. The downers are it doesn't have a balcony and the kitchen is very "efficient" to put it nicely. This was our favorite though so we decided to commit before it slipped through our fingers. Pictures to come!

By the way did you see the awesome treehouse at my sister's house in Normandy? So amazing!


  1. Fantastic news! Also, there are lots of expats in that neighborhood so you'll probably meet lots of people in the park if this nice weather holds out.

  2. Congrats!

    I'm a new reader/follower in the U.S. who is a total night it's great to find blogs that update during what is the wee hours over here. Just another reason I'm excited you're in Paris now. ;)

    Can't wait to see how you do up the new place!

  3. Yes you will find that a lot of Expats settle there and the 6eme. Plus a lot of the shop owners/cafes etc can speak English because of this. You won't be too far from Jardin du Luxembourg, Jardin des Plantes (where the zoo is and natural history museum) and the Eiffel Tower depends on which side of the 7th you are of course. Great Language school for the adults is Alliance Francaise in the 6eme. I was going there but I am thinking about doing a private French teacher now since I need more practice speaking rather than grammar.

    Have fun discovering your new Arrondissement!

  4. Fantastic, congratulations! But: now I envy you even more, so close to the "big metal structure in the background" :-)

  5. Anonymous1:02 PM

    I am so excited for your new adventure....and I dont even know you!
    Bette in Fl.

  6. Congratulations! That is a wonderful neighborhood. I can't wait to see photos of the apartment!

  7. Can't wait to see the apartment! And how amazing to have the Eiffel Tower in such close view.....can't wait to see pictures of it sparkling!

    I think most kitchens in Paris are small - I remember my friends - they only had 2 rings on their hob and hardly any storage - not sure how I would have functioned!

  8. félicitations! you're lucky to have found a place so fast!

  9. Congratulations! I've just started following you, and have found you to be such an inspiration. You should be so proud of yourself!

  10. Congratulations, Jordan! Your street is so seems quintessentially French!

  11. I gasped at the view of the "big metal structure"! Amazing! Also, the photo of your husband and his red hair along with the baby drinking from the bottle - just his little hand visible - is lovely!

  12. That's such a wonderful arrondissement! Congratulations on finding an apartment. I can't wait to follow along with you on this amazing adventure!

  13. Félicitations!

    I seem to remember great children's stores in this area. Can't wait for your reconnaissance. :-D

  14. My old university stomping grounds! Congrats on the place, glad you'll soon be able to dive into decorating and make it YOURS.

  15. So exciting! Congratulations! Can't wait to see pictures. p.s. you are kinda my hero for doing this and I am really excited to read about your adventures abroad!

  16. ahhh, so jealous.. was just in Paris this past weekend for a girls' trip of just eating, wining, shopping, and eating.. congratulations!

  17. I am living vicariously through you! It seems so overwhelming to move to a different country, but you make it seem very fun.

    Love your blog!

  18. We lived in the 7e for a while. You MUST eat at Casa Campagna. I can't remember the street it was on, but it was just east of the Eiffel Tower on a small street running north-south. My husband still misses the Gnocchi.

  19. I love the 7th. The first time I visited Paris I stayed on Rue St. Dominique and it was magical. I love all the little old ladies on Rue Cler. I am enjoying every minute of living vicariously through you! :)

  20. Ah, you are living the dream. Congrats on the new apartment!

  21. Congrats and what a sigh of relief for you and your boys. am completely jealous of your view though :)

  22. Um, the Eiffel Tower is in your backyard? Color me jealous!

  23. Awesome news! What a relief for you!

  24. perfect, perfect area! we wouldn't live anywhere else. champs de mars for walking the kids, rue cler for markets, rue de grenelle for the shops and restaurants, plus the american library!!
    so excited for you!

  25. I wish I could have a home like this. That's what I gonna stay.

  26. HOLY CRAP! Pretty darn awesome.

  27. Congrats!! Can't wait to hear/see more about your apartment. Totally jealous of your amazing adventure!!

  28. congrats on your place and WOW right by the Eiffel tower! can't wait to see pictures!

  29. at least it came with a kitchen!

  30. Anonymous11:18 PM

    You're living in the shadow of the Eiffel Tower? Good grief. That's amazing!

  31. you are completely living out one of my fantasies--- i'm sure you'll make the kitchen work!

  32. ah, what a great find! you're living next door to the great eiffel tower- wow! cant wait to see pictures of the apartment!

  33. awesome! i found Design Mom through your blog. you gals, are amazing. i am hanging on every post and dreaming all along the way. so fun!!

  34. I die. that's the best!!

  35. yay! I'm so excited for you guys! Happy settling!

  36. Laetitia1:39 PM

    Wow, I've just started following your from Paris, being french and parisienne.
    You are more than lucky to leave in the 7th arrondissement. It's just one of the most expensive area in Paris. I'd love to live there.
    I'm on the other side of Paris in the 19th arrondissement, near the Canal St martin, an other atmosphere, very different.
    You should visit !!!
    Have fun in Paris and welcome in Paris!! :)

    To your americans readers who seem surprised of the smallness of the apartment in Paris, most of them were build in the 18th/19th century hence the reason why rooms are so small.....AND we are in Europe ;-)

  37. Allison2:30 PM

    You are also just blocks from the American Library in Paris, a terrific resource. Especially for kids. They have story hours, activities, and lots of books. You have to pay a membership fee, but the amount of money we saved on books totally covered the cost.

  38. The 7th is our absolute favourite! We rented an apartment last year in Rue de Grenelle. Loved, loved, loved the area - best boulangerie, butcher etc etc. You will love it. You have to try one of our favourite restaurants in the areas - la coquette.

  39. Beate3:21 PM

    Lucky you to find an appartement so fast.
    There is the amazing museum 'Quai de Branly' not far from your place.It has an incredible collection of ethnologique tresures and a beautiful garden with a small café.
    I'm just reading Julia Child's book about her time in France and coincidence, she lived not far from your appartement.
    Wish you a great time.

  40. oh my ! my favorite (and old !..à neighborhood !!
    that's really cool.

  41. What a good news for you and your family ! I'm really happy for you !!! Also, the 7th is gorgeous !! Do you see the Eiffel Tower from your appartment ?
    Have a good day :-)

  42. Hooray! I am so happy you found a place. Peace. Of. Mind!

  43. Wow, great location, I love teh 7th arrondisement-so much to see, great restaurants, and also very residential all at the same time! Loving hearing about your new adventures!

  44. Awesome! You're settling right in!

  45. congrats!! that's great news. now you can enjoy the city with that weight off your shoulders!

  46. How wonderful! There is a gorgeous little family-run restaurant nearby (on the other side of the parc) if you have the chance.

  47. Seriously?! That is so stinkin' cool! I'm looking forward to checking in on your adventures!

  48. Congratulations! You must be so relieved to check that off the list. I can't wait to see pictures!

  49. Anonymous7:38 PM

    and for all of us dreamers out here in the states - how/where did you find it? Which resource was the one that found TWO bedrooms?

  50. Oh! When my husband and I visited Paris in 2009 to celebrate our 10th anniversary, we stayed at Hotel de la Tulipe in the 7th; I think it was on rue Malar...anyway, near there is a REALLY yummy bakery called "Julien Boulangerie." I am a person who gets disoriented very easily, and I LOVED that I could look around and see the Eiffel tower and know kind of where I was, I'm a little jealous of you right now (but in a good way!!)

  51. Hi! I love your blog! I have friend (an american in paris, married to a frenchman for a million years) who lives a half a block away at #32! Be on the look out, she's a wildly funny and irreverent 70+ on a bike (even in the rain!)

    If you haven't already, find the little cans (in a four pack) of chestnut creme (uh, my french is awful, Creme De Maroon) to spread on anything bread like and edible. Insanely delicious!

  52. Not far from LE BON MARCHE, SENTOU GALERIE and BONTON. How lucky you are !
    And you must try the restaurant les cocottes rue saint dominique. Not that expensive and very yummy.
    I live in the outskirts (close to the business quarter la défense) and I miss those stores...
    I hope you are enjoying yourselves in Paris even though the weather is far from great. Il you want a shopping tour in Paris some time, send me an e-mail !

  53. oups. My blogger profile is closed ? Here is the good one.
