Happy Weekend

We fly to France on Monday. Of course we are excited but I am really surprised how scared I am. I don't get nervous very easily but its all the unknowns happening at one time that is freaking me out. We have a place to stay for a month while we look for an apartment but I keep running scenarios through my head of what will happen if we can't find a place. Will we become mimes? Will we sleep on my sister's couch in Normandy? Will we live on the street subsiding only on baguettes and Nutella? I think the scariest part is realizing I have no idea where I'll be staying one month from now. These are the things that keep me up at night.

Have a happy weekend guys. See you on the flipside!

Holga photo by kagetsuki

I also write for Babble.com Here are some of my Posts this week:

Did you see Kate Spade's new logo?
Seriously? Ballet Flats for babies? So amazing.
Dwell Studio has a new line of toys and I love them!
Planning an Academy Awards Party?
The new Matchbook Magazine is here. Congrats girls!
This is the raddest present for a new mom. (Wish I had gotten one.)
Awww these upcycled woolies are my favorite find from Etsy in a long time.
We received one of these as a gift and it was one of my favorite baby presents!


  1. sleeping on your sister's sofa in Normandy doesn't sound too bad ~

    No doubt, all your worries will fade the moment you land.

    Bon Voyage!

  2. Everthing will be fine, you'll see! You're arriving to sunny weather next week, that must be a sign.

    Also, if you're looking for help finding a permanent apartment and are willing to pay - there's a great concierge service, team speaks perfect English - called UniqueParis (uniqueparis.com). Highly recommend.

    A très vite!

  3. I know what you're talking about. I remember moving to Vienna--something I had spent years wanting to do--but I cried like a baby the entire way to the airport. At one point, as we crossed the Golden Gate Bridge, I looked at my best friend with tear-stained face and said: "I'm not going to Vienna, I'm going to HELL!"

    But the minute I got there, it was so much fun and exciting. Not without it's own challenges, but one of the best experiences of my life.

    It will be wonderful. You'll be stretched and changed in ways you can't even imagine yet, but it will be wonderful. I am sure of it.

    Hang in there. The pre-departure jitters are the worst.

  4. You may have already, but have you considered VRBO.com? Many of them rent by the month, and may like having a more long-term arrangement.

  5. good luck with the move!!

  6. i just know you are going to be fine and have the adventure of your lifetime! xo

  7. It is scary. But oh so exciting. You just have to have faith that it will all work out. It always does.

    Safe travels. XO

  8. I was in the exact situation upon leaving for Sweden. I was nervous too but it all worked out great! And, you have your sister there so that will be a huge help.

  9. Good luck! I moved to Paris for 6 months by myself in 2009, and I wish I had actually done my housing the way you are doing it. Having a month to get comfortable in the city and find the neighborhoods you like best will ultimately mean a better fit--plus you're more likely to find a place without having to use an agent and pay them a finder's fee, etc. That month will also give you time to use any contacts in your new ward who might know of vacancies in good neighborhoods. Oh, I'm so jealous--this makes me want to move back there!

  10. Baguettes and Nutella? I think you might have a glorified perspective on the bums of Paris! :)

  11. Happy trails to you, Jordan!
    It will all come together. It just will!

  12. Good luck! There might be some tears as you adjust but it will work out. Plus there will be croissants. Hooray for Paris!

  13. Have a safe trip and good luck! Bienvenue en Europe!

  14. Uncertainty can be scary-but I always seem to look back and laugh at the things I was scared of. Hopefully this will be the same.

    happy travels!

  15. Oh, good luck and happy trails, Jordan! It's going to be an amazing adventure!

  16. It's so good to be scared sometimes even though it's super uncomfortable. Luckily, even your worst case scenarios sound pretty amazing. Just think how cute your kiddos will look dressed as mimes.

  17. Good luck! Paris is the most fabulous city - as a visitor at least! I agree with Lost in Cheeseland that it may be worth finding an apartment through an intermediary - I know when my friends moved to Paris that the company he was working for paid for an apartment finding service.

    Safe travels! Welcoming you to my side of the pond! I'll be in Paris on the 13th to 15th April - I can't wait!

  18. i would feel the same way - the unknown is scary, especially with big events like moving. but i'm sure you will find a place and settle in and enjoy your time in france.

  19. robin k2:25 AM

    I'm a little scared for you (mainly because you are a little scared), but I just have a feeling this is going to be a most wonderful experience for you and your family, Jordan. I miss you already not being in SF, but can't wait to skype with you when you're in Paris!

  20. you'll be fine. The first week or so will be hard, and you'll miss home..it's streets, smells, people, etc. But, over time the streets, smells and people of Paris will become yours too. Embrace it. Good luck!

  21. i just bought that "5 year" book! I LOVE IT ALREADY! It's actually the PERFECT time for you to start it. "Jan 30: Move to France!". Wouldn't it be fun to see what you do on Jan 30 for the next 5 years? Also, it's Jan 1-Dec 30 every year, so not, "Day 1, Day 2..." You should put in an order right now!

    It's just 5 years of notes. No need for them to be specific to one child. I just started one book to chronicle the days of all 3 of my kids.

  22. Hi Jordan. I suggest FUSAC magazine. That is a great source for longer term rentals (and it's in English). Also the website seloger.com for non-furnished rentals. That is a great source (all in French). Good luck settling in! Erica

  23. Hey! Just checking out the Instax 210...
    You have this? What do you think?
    Does it have a tripod mounting on the bottom?
    Thanks for all the inspiration!

  24. No worries - you are going to love this new adventure! We really miss our days of living in Europe - I'm actually go back for a visit/buying trip in March. Enjoy the scenery, the food, and especially the new Euro lifestyle! -diane

  25. I'm so excited for you. I'd be nervous too, but have you ever noticed how things always work out just right? I'm looking forward to reading about your French Adventure over the next year. Bon Voyage!

  26. Good luck! Can't wait to hear all about it.

  27. Have a happy weekend guys.

  28. I totally understand how you're feeling. I moved from SF to London and had all of the same emotions. Everything will turn out ok. I'm sure there will be some hiccups along the way but that's all part of the adventure. Best of luck!!! xo

  29. I know it's hard not to be nervous before a big trip ( I always am, even if I'm not going far . . .) but you'll be fine!

    We're all here cheering you on and if worse comes to worse I'm sure one of your reader's knows of a place you can stay in case of emergency!

    Happy Adventuring!

  30. Michelle W5:03 PM

    In honor of you leaving this week I had my second grade class say good bye to me on Friday in French (I teach them some basics). Au Revoir!

  31. Best of luck to you! I love Paris and what an adventure for you and your family..

  32. Bon Voyage Jordan! The fabric came today and it is fabulous - there's so much of it! I can't wait to put it to good use. Thanks so much! So looking forward to hearing about all of your adventures! It's going to be AMAZING!

  33. my only advice is to check how the shower runs when you are looking for an apartment! we rented in paris once for a month, found a place on craigslist, and the place itself was fine, but the shower! it vacillated between freezing cold and scalding hot the whole time, the only thing you could do was stand to the side and try to catch those couple second intervals when it was warm as it would fluctuate. showering was miserable!

    best of luck in your new adventures!!!

  34. kaela d.8:54 PM

    safe travels : )

  35. Spice up the celebrations of your loved ones in spectacular style by sending amazing flowers and gifts from www.thejapanflorist.com/japan_locations.asp

  36. Jordan I love Paris and rented an apartment a month ago. I always use Paris Best Lodge. Well priced and fantastic locations.

    On of the things we loved doing most during our recent visit was attend a dinner at Hidden Kitchen(underground restaurant)It's a must!!!

  37. Saw your other post...did you delete it for some reason? The one of the pic on craigslist. I was about to comment. We live in The Marais and LOVE IT! If you end up here look me up I can give you some tips ;-)

  38. Good luck on the flight Jordan...for your sake I hope it's a direct flight :) It makes all the difference...
