Fondue Party

On New Years Day we threw a fondue party for all our friends. We did it like an open house from 12-6pm so people could drop in whenever they wanted. I had never thrown a party like that and I'm a solid convert. We got a chance to have a good talk with everyone that stopped by. That usually doesn't happen when you just do a party for a couple hours.

It was a super easy party to put together. I bought all the cheese and veggies a day or two before then went to a bakery the morning of to get really fresh bread. I pre shredded the cheese the evening before and bagged them separately so every time I made a new pot of fondue I just had to empty the bag of cheese in. We had fun drinks and snacks around the whole time and then cooked a pot of cheese every hour and a half. We have two fondue pots so that made it a little easier to rotate out the clean one.

People streamed in and out. Some stopped in really quick, some stayed for several hours. It was fantastic and really low pressure. I'm totally doing this again. Plus melted cheese is the perfect way to start the year off right. My favorite fondue recipe is this one.


  1. Are those shirley temples?? So fun, now I wish I hadn't let my mom sell her fondue pot in a tag sale when they moved!

  2. I love your blog - you have a great aesthetic!


  3. what a great party idea... cheese and grenadine cocktails... and a constant flow of visitors... might have to copy you one day :)

  4. Would you mind sharing your invitations? Or the wording on your invitations. How did you let people know that they weren't expected to stay the whole time? This may be a silly questions, but thanks anyway.

  5. torrie1:05 AM

    love that this is simple and seems like anyone can do it! i feel inspired..! as kate asked, are those shirley temples, or is it some other type of fizzy you poured in there?

  6. great idea! those cocktails look tasty!

  7. so cute how you styled this! i love fondue parties too and just had one a few weeks ago for the hubby's birthday. love the idea of an open house party like that... will definitely be adding to my new year's resolutions. :)

  8. yes!! I'm planning to do a fondue party soon!
    Thanks for the push. Love those straws!

  9. so cute. your parties are the best!!

  10. Turned out lovely. The straws are perfect.
    Fondue parties can be such fun.

  11. Looks like a fun party! Where did you get those cute striped straws?

  12. Anonymous3:23 AM

    I love this! We do fondue with the kids, (watching carefully of course) and they eat so many more things, then they would if it were a "normal" meal!! Please tell me where you found or how you made those straws!! My sons 3rd bday is on the 29th and Id love to incorporate this!

  13. Anonymous4:38 AM

    Love this idea....valentines day (which traditionally I'm not a huge fan of----love something low key)....but this might be fun for friends, family and their children. Thanks for the great idea!

  14. I have this type of "open house" party a lot. It is definitely a favorite. You really do get a better chance to mingle and actually enjoy the party. I love those drinks, they're gorgeous!

  15. what a beautiful party and great way to ring in the new year! i'm going to a bachelorette fondue party this weekend. lovely blog :-)

  16. What a fun party:) We are planning a Valentines fondue one- the melted chocolate is so wonderfully amazing!

  17. such a cute idea!! I love fondue but can never seem to make mine right. I think fondue is served best with smaller company because it seems so intimate. Looks like you had a lovely time, thanks for sharing :)

  18. sounds like a blast...most of my friends are still way more into the whole 3am house party kinda-party than the fondue party..which is cool..but how badass are shirley temples, eh?

  19. Jordan I did a NYE fondue a few years age. Best ever! Spread the fondue word...

  20. What a fabulous way to start the New Year! Happy New year to you and your family.

  21. this sounds a great way to host my son's first birthday party later this year since we have such a large family i don't think they'll all fit in our house. i second Trista's comment - how did you word the invitations?

  22. what a chic par-tay!!

  23. It is traditional to serve hot drinks with your fondue so you don't get a stomach ache from the cheese- you're swiss friend:)

  24. Anonymous11:49 PM

    What a great idea! I always feel like I miss the opportunity to visit with friends when they all stop by at once. Spreading it out sounds lovely.

  25. What a wonderful idea for a no-hassle get-together! This would work for any casual party...even a bridal shower among best friends. Thanks for sharing!

  26. Please tell us where you found those wonderful fondue forks! I love them!

  27. This looks like the most wonderful way to bring in the new year. Shirley Temples! Are you kidding me? (Funny story, whenever I was in college and first started drinking, I'd always ask for a "Shirley Temple... with vodka" because I didn't know the names of any drinks!) AND you're moving to Paris soon.
    Sigh. (And i never say that.) I think you might be my hero...

  28. Anonymous8:11 PM

    Meat fondue is my fella's FAVORITE meal (we do broth/red wine instead of oil as the cooking medium -- it makes it a little bit lighter)-- anyway, I see someone already asked this, but where did you find your fondue forks? We have the corny wooden handled ones and I'd love to update the set.
    Thanks! and thanks for all the inspiration.

  29. I bought this same fondue pot and it is beautiful. But when I tried using it I just couldn't keep it lit. Any secrets of the fondue flame?
