2010 Year in Review - Part 2

Here is the second part of my year in review. (Part 1 is here.)

In May I got to style two photo shoots for Anthology Magazine. It was such a great experience working with such talented and interesting people. A real highlight of my year for sure.

I also brought on Alexis Birkmeyer as an intern (and later hired her as a full time studio manager.) Alexis is pretty much straight from heaven and Paul and I always ask if we can adopt her. She will be running our studio and my press while we are in France.

I made these S'mores kits for Project Wedding.

And I shared pictures of Moses' room. (My kids sleep in a closet!)

I designed these Father's Day printable labels for Alpha Mom.

I did a DIY on how to make a birdcage veil for Project Wedding.

I did a magnetic board DIY for iVillage.

In August I helped with the Kirtsy Party at Blogher and I shared how to recreate a few aspects of the party like these signs held up by weather balloons and chalkboard speech bubbles.

I also created these flag sculptures for Project Wedding.

In September Paul and I collaborated on our Let Them Eat Cake project where I art directed and he painted 50 cake paintings. We had a show, and ate cake.

I did a fancy dinner party under the Golden Gate Bridge. Here is the main post and the details here.

I created this pinwheel seating chart for Project Wedding.

We had a movie night in our back yard.

Then in October my friend Fergi was in town for her birthday so we threw her another dinner party by the Golden Gate Bridge (this time on the Sausalito side.)

I was hired to work with Suzanne Shade and style a few different ads for Minted to run in magazines during the holidays.

We announced the Commission Project.

And we were lumberjacks.

In November Moses got a haircut.

I put a party in a box.

We had a pretty (and delicious) Thanksgiving.

And I got ready for Christmas by making this felt ball Garland.

In December we wrapped presents up real pretty. Plus here and here.

We sent Roman in for one last surgery.

I made watercolor paper chains with Moses.

Moses turned three!

And I made watercolor and letterpress Christmas Cards.

And that was my year in two nice and tidy posts. Going through everything was almost therapeutic. Onwards and upwards to 2011! Anything you want to see more of for 2011? Leave a comment.


  1. you were one of the first blogs i ever read. and will always be one of my favorites. and posts like this remind me why. thanks for being such an inspiration. maybe one day i'll be as cool as you.

  2. torrie2:27 AM

    i love your ideas on birthday surprises and birthday gifts. they are thoughtful, creative, and fun!

  3. Alexis is the best! You're lucky to have her :)

  4. I never miss a post of yours, and yet somehow I am shocked at how much you did last year. You're an inspiration.

  5. Wow Jordan, you are such an inspiration! I wish I lived next door to you. Good luck in France!

  6. I truly love your blog and bookmark so many of the ideas for future parties or just rainy days. Have the best time in Paris, look forward to all your creative posts in 2011 xoxo

  7. I'm amazed at all you did last year. Way to go! I can't wait to see all your adventures in Paris.

  8. That reminds me, did you see your chalkboard speech bubbles here? http://tinyurl.com/2b3aekv

  9. I love your great ideas and cannot wait to see your version of Paris! I found it beautiful on the most basic level because it was so different from HERE. I can't wait to see what your talented designer brain takes from it!

  10. Mika Akutsu6:47 AM

    Your life is so beautiful! Thank you for sharing

  11. I had forgotten about the father's day gift...love that you reposted so I could go get the printable.

    Also I'm making that vellum mobile for my baby's room. Thanks for the great ideas.

    Looking forward to lots of Paris posts next year

  12. WOW!!!!! you are wonderwoman. i envy you're creative geniusness.

  13. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Love this, you are inspirational!

  14. Hi! Your blog makes me smile!
    I'm looking forward to another year of inspiration!Suus

  15. I've loved following your fantastic blog this year and can't wait to see all that comes for the next year....safe travels!

  16. beautiful. you are just so inspiring! i hope i can do half as much with my 2011.

  17. What a bountiful year, Jordan! I'm so very excited to see you chronicle your life in Paris for those of us who can't move there with you! Best to you in 2011.

  18. Smarty pants. Really nice work. Love it.

  19. Help!

    I've looked and looked and I can't find the post you did on the magnetic board DIY for iVillage. I want to do something just like this for the entryway of my new apt. and this looks like it could be so helpful. If you could share the link I'd be oh so grateful!! Pretty please :)


  20. Kristen4:56 PM

    What a fun year! Thanks for sharing. And I can't wait to see your adventures in Paris!

  21. What a great year! I would love to learn more of the nitty-gritty in your preparations for France. You may think it is mundane, but we are living vicariously through you. It would be divine!

  22. Oh Jordan, you make me feel cool just living in the same city as you. Your work is so clever- I made your potted moss plants for a a friends table setting, substituting flag toothpicks with watercolored heart toothpicks. I am a proud purchaser of one of your cakes (painting and print) and I just love reading your blog and seeing what you're up to. As the daughter of a letterpress printer, I'm always curious and amazed!

  23. Definitely the most impressive review of a year I have seen on any blog. I love how you mix your professional and personal life. Lovely.

    Good luck in France!

  24. I loved looking back at 2010! My favorite is the party under the bridge...I even did a post on it a few months back. I want to orders some of those felt balls and make a wreath.

    I can't wait to follow your journey in France.

  25. I have enjoyed every one of your posts and look forward to lots of french-y goodness.

    thanks for putting it all out there.

  26. Anonymous11:07 PM

    I am a new reader to your blog, and I am hooked! I am in awe of your creativity.

    Young mom of 3 from MN

  27. phew! that made me tired. what an excellent year! i just want to see all things paris in 2011 so can't wait to live vicariously through you.

  28. I found your blog a while back when I saw that your son slept in the closet. Which I LOVED!

    Happy New Year! The s'more kit is awesome.

    ~ the MRS.

  29. You are a true create-or (I know, there's no such word...but you're definitely it!). Thank you for sharing your great ideas in 2010, and tidbits about your beautiful children. I'm clearly not the only one looking forward to 2011 from you in Paris!

  30. Love the re-cap! You picked some of my favorite posts this year :) I love how you blend what you're working on, your inspirations and family. More of the same!

  31. I just found your blog and I'm so glad I did!! I gave birth to a baby girl last March with a clefty. She had her Lip/nose repair in Oct. I am unsure when we are doing the palate surgery though. So, how was the palate surgery? Was it a harder recovery then the lip? Your little guy looks amazing. I totally appreciate you blogging about him.


  32. I love everything, so wouldn't change a bit. I can't wait to read everything about your year in Paris. It's one of my dreams, and I'm so inspired by your decision.

  33. I love this -- so much creativity and happiness!

  34. I know I'm a little late to comment on this post, but wow, absolutely loved your year in review. Your kids are gorgeous and you are so talented!

    Have the time of your lives in Paris!
