Happy Weekend

Now that Roman is pretty much recovered and The Commission Project is done (we dropped off the paintings to be mailed this morning) we can actually focus on the Holidays. I'm still trying to figure out how I can make a big impact on Christmas morning but not buy anything we have to put in storage or take with us to France. Any ideas?

What are you doing this weekend? Here are pictures of Roman from this week when he was feeling like his old self. It's crazy to compare where he was 2 weeks ago to now. ps Babble links below

I also write for Babble.com Here are my posts from this week.

These are hilarious (Look at the froggy's face.)
I kind of want to get one of these for Moses, Could I make one myself?
New Martha Stewart Crafting Furniture. Now you can have a craft room that looks like Martha's.
I've been obsessed with these since last year. I want some for my boys.
These are the best "quiet toys". I use them on the plane or at church and they totally work.
Best "Baby's First Christmas" ornament I've ever seen.


  1. Look at those big brown eyes! Hope you have a wonderful weekend with your boys, Jordan.

  2. What a sweet sweet boy!
    Its so much fun because at this age, the gifts aren't always what makes the biggest impression. Simple things like decorations and sweets seem to be what delights my little one....that and Thomas the train of course:)

  3. Balloons unless they are used to them. We did that last year & Lucy loved it.

  4. So glad he is feeling better!

  5. So you ARE moving to France? Is it final? Where will you live? Paris? If you need tips on moving overseas let me know!

  6. Experiences instead of stuff... get tickets to go to a Christmas day movie? A children's museum before you leave? An art class? A holiday show?

  7. Duh...I guess I missed the post where you announced that you will be moving to Paris. We live in Le Marais and love it! A lot of Americans settle down in the 6eme or 7eme for some reason. Really I prefer where I am it's more bohemian. But if your French skills are lacking the 6th and 7th might be easier. As for international shipping we did not pay for ours...but I can give you advice on how it works, how long it takes, how to organize etc...Good Luck!

  8. What about an experience instead? And give them a small gift like a tiny Eiffel Tower to show that this year Paris is the true gift?

    Regardless, I am uber jealous (and excited for you). I desperately want to relocate to Paris!

    Happy Holidays!

  9. he is beautiful! oh france sounds so exciting- well perhaps you can buy a few things that he can play with for a few weeks before you go then donate them to the childrens wing where he had the surgery- or maybe gather things around the house and make a puppet show or play ring around the rosey or make make shift instruments and march around the house or bake and build a ginger bread house!

  10. Adrianne9:13 PM

    Roman is so beautiful!! As are those photos...would you mind sharing what kind of a camera you used? I'm in the middle of deciding between SLR's and am inspired by your pics to make a decision!

  11. He's SOOOO cute!

    Get your little guys a huge cardboard box, tell them it was the box for Santa's sleigh and they need to decorate it for him to send back to the North Pole for next year.

    Spend the day decorating it and playing in it.

    Recycle when you leave.

    Just a thought?

  12. That is some serious adorable gorgeousness. Beautiful photographs!

    Hmm, you know it isn't the seasonal thing to do, but I'm seriously considering flooding our living room with mylar balloons ala warhol's clouds for a high-impact christmas morning.

    After all, my little guy loves nothing more than a balloon. Ok, maybe chocolate.

    Have a wonderful holiday week!

  13. A fun christmas breakfast is always my favorite!

    What a fun adventure you have ahead of you!

  14. He is such a gorgeous little man! So glad he made it through his surgery and is on the other side!

    Our (2 year old) daughter had her lip revision surgery in the beginning of October and I was astounded at how quickly she was able to bounce back to her old self. I think it took me much longer to get over than her!

    Good luck on packing up for Paris...so excited for your family!

  15. He is such a cute little man Jordan!
    And his surgeons are obviously talented people. Happy weekend!

  16. So glad that he's feeling better!

  17. he looks beautiful! and so happy!

  18. you have such handsome little man!

  19. Those euro swimsuits are required at most pools in France (no baggy swimtrunks) and are available in vending machines outside the pool. My husband and son had to buy ones out of the machine on our last vacation in France. And schools in Switzerland require them too for swim class. So it'll be no problem getting them once you're in Paris :)

  20. Love his jammies & so glad he is feeling better.

  21. Loads of adorableness on this blog.

    I like the sleigh box idea, but it seems like your little ones might be a bit young for that. I think having giant balloons, lots of lights and sparkle, and maybe a small gift to open (perhaps something they can play with on the plane?) sounds reasonable. And maybe an out-of-the-ordinary winter activity like a bundled-up trip to the park (it might even be empty) followed by a movie with hot cocoa to top it off. I'd like that, anyway :)

  22. what a cutie :) I would say maybe edible stuff like treats for christmas that can be consumed before the trip.

  23. Christine3:29 AM

    He's an angel!

  24. wow... i have not read blogs for a long time. you have an ADORABLE little man on your hands :)

    no ideas here on the gift situ..... i am not even moving and i still do not want one more toy in my house:)

  25. What about buying projects that you guys can make during Christmas to give to your friends/family/neighbors? Emphasize the giving than the receiving.

    What about having special food during the day, different than what you usually would do? One year we had a taco Christmas. Then there was the luau Christmas.

    What about giving experiences in Paris? You could make up booklets or a list of all the things you want to do/see while living in Europe...maybe special things like reading a book beside the Eiffel Tower.

  26. Oh goodness, I just love babies. What a sweet potato.

    Maybe some things you could take if they were small?
    I think I'd do an amazing pop-up book, a huge monkey bread breakfast cake with towers of marshmallows (on skewers), color wonder books (terrible for everyday, wonderful for travel), a child camera/video camera, a big homemade chalkboard (maybe just painted on old wood, something you wouldn't mind leaving behind), a DVD video, puppet or feltboard of a favorite character/theme, or art supplies (glitter glue or glittery do-a-dots are a fave around these parts).
    What a change for you, I'm sure exhilarating and exhausting. Very few people can just pick up and 'do'. So exciting for you! Best wishes to you and your family and happy holidays!

  27. Beyond cute, look at those big brown eyes!


    PS Feel free to take a look around, and please follow if you like what you see! It's much appreciated, and hope to see you around TMT! :)

  28. Are you moving to France or are you just coming for a visit? If so, where? I live in a countryside suburb of Paris called Magny-les-Hameaux, we're just about a 15 minute drive from the Versailles palace and a 30 minute drive from Paris. Decorate with popcorn strings! Those are so simple and easy and fun to do!

  29. Website is very comprehensive and informative. I have enjoyed the visit. From www.hongkongfloristshop.com/Hongkong_Exclu_Gifts.asp

  30. A client at work yesterday said she has always reminds her children, "Three presents was good enough for the baby Jesus" and then sticks to that mantra in her own gift giving. I love the simplicity of the idea and the liberation it gives to stop. Plus it focuses me back to other priorities.

    With that said, the pragmatist in me says give something to help with the adjustment to a new home. Toys for the plane, etc. Or toys/crafts to make on Christmas to send to someone. Or "time" enjoying the last moments in your current home.

  31. Anonymous8:29 AM

    Perhaps create a holiday meal of wrapped courses ... whether wrapped in a chinese takeout box, or wrapped with a present type cloche, or as an example a seafood terrine wrapped in smoked salmon, or petite little wrapped dim sum ... little bites, little discoveries to be savoured. Warmest and best wishes for the holidays. Christine from Vancouver Island

  32. Here's just an idea for you. We picked up a lot of fun and inexpensive little stocking stuffer items at land of nod. Little temporary tattoos, spy glasses, a recorder or flutaphone thing, just fun little items that kids this age would have a blast with.

  33. Hmmm... big impact on Christmas morning, but doesn't have to be taken to France or put into storage? Have I got a brilliant idea for you!

    Get a box - a really BIG box. Like, a refrigerator size box. And... make a playhouse! Cut a door, cut out windows, decorate the outside, put cushions and blankets inside. Maybe even set a picnic. HOURS and HOURS of memorable fun will ensue. It'll be the biggest, most memorable Christmas gift for your tykes ever! And super easy to clean-up. In fact, maybe you'll decide you do want to store it... filled with other stuff that needs to go into storage, of course. {bwah hah hah!}

  34. Anonymous12:49 AM

    I know you are the queen of balloons, but that is what we did last year for our little guys, just before a big move across the Atlantic. I think we did about 150 red and white in our small living room and it was very magical!

  35. Yes! You can make your own tepee! My mom made one when I was little (I'm 17 now) and we loved playing in it!

  36. Oh, he just looks so cute! Adorable. I love Onesilentwinter's donation idea!

  37. Michelle Wigand6:21 AM

    Get old sheet music or an old hymnal (I used a hymnal) from the thrift store. Disassemble, cut, and staple. Viola! The most beautiful paper chain. Totally recyclable and I even used the scrapes to make pom-poms for the tops of some of my gifts.

  38. I just received my painting and it is amazing! My parents will love it, and I am having a hard time letting it go!

  39. Just got my painting today...I love it!

  40. What a sweet little boy!

    from my experience as an aupair, the gifts with the biggest box seems to win at that age. And it's not because of the gift inside! those boxes are spaceships, mountains, anything all at the switch of the imagination.

    Merry Christmas!

  41. Roman is super adorable! Happy holidays~!
