Guest Room + Office

We've lived in our 1-bedroom apartment two and a half years now, Moses sleeps in a closet and right now Roman sleeps in a bassinet next to my bed. It is small and cozy and we love it, but with two kids I'm starting to get antsy to move to a bigger place. I dream of the day where I can have a guest room (the ultimate luxury). Part of living in a big city, means you get lots of visitors. I love this makeover from Country Living (I originally saw on Jenny's blog). It is an office/guestroom complete with a blowup mattress and luggage rack tucked away in an armoire, very inspiring!


  1. Beautiful room! With family visiting this weekend I am guest room dreaming today as well...

  2. The colors in this room are gorgeous! Would love a space like this in my home.

  3. I know what you mean about being cozy and happy with your family all together.

  4. I love the organization of this room. Rally makes me excited to organize mine and my husband's tiny apartment.

  5. Gasp! That room is AMAZING!

  6. I stinkin love this room!!!

  7. Thank you so much for posting this. We just finished transitioning the nursery back into the study and I had been stressing over what to do about guests and not having room with a fold out couch. Air mattress. Perfect solution!

  8. Thanks for the office/guest room inspiration! We're remodeling our office right now and I was wondering if we might be able to make it guest-accommodating, too. If they did it in this room with such beautiful success, I know I can figure out a way to pull it off in mine. I hope it looks as nice!

  9. That wallpaper is really amazing. I love the room but I would like to see that wallpaper in a less busy room as well.

  10. whoa...what a dream..! every closet+cupboard looking like that!! inspiring!
