Highwaisted Swimsuits

Joanna posted about this lovely swimsuit this morning and it got me excited about swimsuit season when I realized all these pretty suits will cover any stretchmarks leftover from this baby. Hooray for when trends perfectly coincide with the needs of your body!

Find the suits here, here, here, and here. (The first is the most affordable of the four.)


  1. Love these high waisted swimsuits, especially that black flowered one.

  2. OMGoodness! I love the last one. Of course it's the most expensive of the four:(

  3. I love these. The vintage style is perfect for you!

    All you need now is a large sun hat and a cute pair of shades.

  4. Wish they were one piece :)

  5. I don't really like the way they look but I would love to be able to wear a 2 piece again even with my post-partum-full-of-stretch-marks body

  6. sooo, cute, I think I might rock one this summer.

  7. i love all because they were all one piece...

  8. love this post and your blog! you should check out malia mills suits. they are a small company with really cute bathing suits. i love the dionne one (it's a one piece). it's vintage looking and super cute. i'm a huge fan. plus, they gave all my blog readers $50 off so that's always cool!



  9. Anonymous1:07 AM

    lovin' these...

  10. Yes, I liked her post on these, did you see her follow up one with the pregnant lady from Australia? So lovely...these frilly peachy ones are my favourite

  11. oh my word, i thought the SAME thing! do you think they'll really cover all our stretch marks? i hopehopehope! i just love the one she posted and i miss bikinis. they're quite pricey. but, if it's the suit of our dreams (and truly makes us feel confident in all our stretch-marked glory) it's totally worth the price, right? (tell that to my husband!) i feel i'm just not meant for one-pieces. though, i do find the word "maillot" quite glamorous.

  12. I have a hight waisted suit, bought the bottoms at H&M last summer! I have to say it really is flattering for a lot of body types.

  13. These look great on the models but will they make me look like an old lady in granny panties?? Hmmm
