Happy New Year!

I've said this before but the week between Christmas and New Years is my favorite week of the whole year. This week I've basically cleaned out and organized nearly every cupboard and closet in my house. (I still have a couple more days to finish the last few.) It feels so good to start out fresh and clean.

Usually I make a long list of resolutions and I am pretty good about keeping most of them. But this year I'm doing things differently. First, I am nervous about this new baby and his special feeding needs and surgeries so I am trying to not commit to very much.

That being said, I turn 30 in January and I've been wanting to do something special to commemorate this year. So I am simplifying and only doing really special and big things this year.

1. Live the Good Life
Light candles that smell good whenever I'm home, fresh flowers in the house, eat delicious high-quality food, have friends over for simple dinner parties often, plan outfits and wear makeup and perfume everyday.

2. Get reservations at The French Laundry and eat there.

3. Learn New Things from Amazing People
Do several internships this year to learn new skills (even if it means going into a little debt getting childcare.) I want to treat this year like I'm going back to school. I'm narrowing down which ones but some ideas I have are: working for a florist, working at a fabric or ribbon store, assisting a prop stylist, working at a cool boutique, working with a paper artist.

4. Run the NYC Marathon this fall. (or another marathon if I can't get it.)

5. Go on a big trip when the baby's surgeries are over (without kids).

I might add a few more things but this is my basic list. What are your goals this year?

photo from fine little day


  1. oh liking your goals :)

    here are some of mine....


  2. Love the thinking around a few things that really matter. Love your goals, and focus on your son, and what will be most meaningful to you.
    My thoughts are incredibly similar and was planning to write in the morning hourse tomorrow. Not sure if it is because I am a new mom of two amazing girls, getting older or then end of an incredible meaningful year.

    Thanks for sharing.

  3. I love your #1 res... It truly is the only way I live well! Life is so fleeting, the only things that seem to make sense are living for others and according to the old adage " amor fati!"

  4. Anonymous5:47 AM

    I've been reading your blog for about a year now, but never commented...and I just want to wish you the best of the best with the new baby! (I myself am due in two weeks with my second little boy too...) I know how crazy life can be, and I can only imagine the stress of what is to come for you. I'll say a little prayer for you guys, and I look forward to many more interesting, and creative posts on your blog!

  5. loved your list last year and love this one. totally agree about #1. turning 31 made me feel like this, like its time to get serious about enjoying life. all my best with your coming little one.

  6. Happy New Year Jordan - loving your resolutions and wishing you beautiful blessings when your new baby arrives.

    My resolutions? focus on the good not the bad, be a better me, enjoy the best and simple things, no more regrets. Oh, and finally visit New York!!! (from little OZ....) xx

  7. I had not read your post about your new baby until just now. Sorry to hear that he will have some difficulties. I hope all goes well, and that after the first year all will be well with him. I will keep you and your new little on in my prayers. Best of luck jordan.

    moses is adorable.

  8. Love #1. I need to take better care of myself

  9. happy new year, jordan! hope 2010 brings all the best! thanks for such inspiring reading every day!

  10. Good list. My recommendation for getting reservations at the French Laundry is to have two people on the phone the morning you are trying get reservations and then be ready to spend some serious time re-dialing. I think my husband and I called about 200 times between the two of us before we got through. But it was well worth it. It was, hands down, the best meal of my life. Happy New Year!

  11. Love these, Jordan. It's funny that our goals are so similar - must be that we are two busy, semi-stressed out moms. :)

    Here's hoping we both get pulled for the NYC lottery!

  12. I like your internships idea. I would lobby for the photo stylist or paper artist ideas. I think you'd get the most out of these.

  13. Great goals! My recommendation for getting a reservation at FL...call and ask when their first available is, oh and go for lunch you will be there for about 4 hours! I also heard that you can take a tour of the kitchen.

    All the best in 2010!

  14. Love your resolutions. I'm still planning mine.

  15. these are wonderful resolutions and, based on what i've gathered about you from reading your blog, you'll be seeing them through to the end. best of luck with the baby and with all of your goals for the new year.

  16. Anonymous9:58 PM

    Good luck with the baby's surgery. And a marathon? Wow! Link to my goals this year… http://www.simplymodernmom.com/2010/01/fridays-5-at-5-new-years-resolutions-2010/

  17. Love, love "Live the good life" resolution - indulging in these simple pleasures is truly a pleasure. Thanks for the reminder!

  18. Your resolutions are always inspiring and fun to read. Thanks for posting them. They are a hopeful reminder on how to live elegantly with little ones!

  19. a short list sounds good to me, especially after a new baby last year, fresh flowers and a tidy house are enough to keep me happy. good luck with your new little one.

  20. My daughter has feeding issues due to a birth injury that caused severe reflux (which in turn caused aversions). She had a NG tube (feeding tube) for the first year of her life to help with feedings. At 17 months old, she's doing great now-- terribly underweight, but so happy-- but the feeding issues still linger.

    If I can help in ANY way when your little one arrives, please let me know. I realize the type of feeding issues will be different, but if you need advice or just to vent I've been down this road and will be happy to help.

    Good luck, may 2010 bring many blessings to you and your family!

  21. my goal this year is to settle down and enjoy my life. I worry too much and am constantly looking to the next thing. I want to take a breathe in 2010 and just be thankful for the fruits of all that work.

  22. I just wanted to put you in touch with some information compiled by a cousin of mine. Her sons both had cleft palates, and she has become a terrific advocate for cleft babies and parents. Her blog is here: http://www.cleftnotes.blogspot.com/

    Hope that helps!

  23. Your version of "simple" is my version of "ambitious" :)

    You should check out the Paris Marathon. My sister and I visited Paris this past year together for a girls trip and stumbled upon it when driving downtown. We stopped to watch and cheer all the amazing people running with views of the Eiffel Tower. Not too shabby!

  24. love your list. i'm turning 30 this year too... AND i'm planning on going to french laundry for my 30th birthday dinner, AND i totes am a big fan of the candles, flowers, makeup, perfume life. *love*

  25. I like to wish a happy and prosperous new year to all around the world.Peace and harmony is the essence of the new year resolution.

  26. Okay, about the marathon... I recommend going for the Honolulu marathon instead. It's always the second Sunday in December and the weather is usually GORGEOUS. I don't even run marathons, but I've still made it a point to go to Hawaii that weekend for the last two years. It's a good excuse (like we ever really needan excuse for a tropical getaway in December??). So check it out... I bet you'll be tempted...

    As an added bonus: there's no qualifying time requirement!

  27. here are mine:

    my last one also involves a trip :)

  28. Love your resolutions! Also, I want to work for a prop stylist!
