30 Things Before I'm 30

I've been MIA on this blog with no good excuse. But I will say my house is very clean, I've cooked really good meals this last week and Moses has been to the zoo, apple picking, to the beach, and several new parks. I've also been watching my nephew Hank while his parents are on vacation in Hawaii. He and Moses were born a week apart and they are so cute together. Oh yeah, I just finished reading Julia Child's autobiography, My Life in France, and am convinced Paul and I need to move to Paris.

I also came to the dreary realization that I turn 30 in 11 weeks. I made a list of mundane things I'd like to accomplish before then. Once I turn 30 (and get this baby out of my body) I will make another list of grander goals I want to accomplish while I'm 30.

1. Go sailing again with Paul
2. Have lunch with 15 different friends.
3. Go on an overnight get-away with Paul
4. Read 2 new books
5. Feel like every room in my house is "decorated"
6. Organize filing system
7. Go to the dentist
8. Hire cleaning lady back
9. Clean out storage space
10. Have a giant garage sale
11. Throw a simple 30th birthday party
12. Set up an awesome play area for Moses
13. Sell one of my letterpresses
14. Finish organizing/setting up studio
15. Send out letterpress Christmas cards
16. Sign up for farm produce box
17. Don't use any disposable grocery sacks
18. Organize Insurance information
19. Research treatments for clefts and local hospital programs
20. Read the Book of Mormon
21. Finish Christmas Shopping by December 1st
22. Get Life Insurance Policy set up and get a Will
23. Finish Moses' baby book
24. Throw a Christmas Party
25. Submit Tax Materials to Accountant by Jan 31
26. Get babysitting Co-op going again
27. Get a massage (or two)
28. Date night once a week
29. Make photo albums: one for each year of our marriage + vacations.
30. Nest and make the new baby some beautiful things


  1. I am always so impressed with your lists - you are such a go getter!

  2. Anonymous8:15 PM

    I love your blog and have gotten many good ideas from you, so let me give you one in return: ignore everything else on your list and take care of #22, pronto. You need a will to name a guardian and protect your children. Don't wait. It's the best gift you can give (even better than an awesome play area).

  3. Thanks for the inspiration. I need to do this too. Starting with insurance for my cats (sad! crazy cat lady!)

    Good luck with the list. (And good advice from anonymous!)

  4. Promise me that you will CELEBRATE turning 30, not dread it. You will LOVE being in your 30s! You'll like yourself more, be kinder, gentler and more generous with yourself and everyone else, realize how much smarter and wiser you are and have grander experiences! I promise you won't miss your 20s a bit.

    Choose to be one of the women who is more beautiful and more fantastic in your 30s - I know you have it in you, I read your blog afterall! :)

    The 30s are a WONDERFUL time. Look forward to the blessings. You will love being 30. Now go kick some 30 arse!

  5. i'd say you have a good excuse: playing with your babe, cooking, i think time away from blogville and the computer all together is good for clearing the mind and a reminder of the important things in life. Life is passing by so fast and in the end a pretty blog or a decorated home isn't what truly matters :) personally i'm encouraged to see bloggers post speratically, priorities are in the right place!

  6. so, i'm turning 30 this monday... this list is making me feel like i'm screwed. ;)

  7. Anonymous8:22 PM

    great list, i will join you on a few of those.

  8. i'd love to learn more about how you run your babysitting co-op. i've been meaning to start one, but as i've never done one, i'm a bit overwhelmed.

  9. I love this list.

  10. I love this list... and might I just add, I want to be you.

  11. That's a great list. Enjoy working away at it!

  12. wow!! impressive list!! hope you can make it all dear..


  13. Jordan- what type of letterpress are you planning to sell? I am in process of buying one right now. I'm in Boston, but am willing to pay for a prof. shipper to help move it if possible..

  14. oh please advertise your garage sale so we can come shop!

  15. Hi Jordan,

    Let me know what press you are selling, I am interested in buying another one for my studio! We could (the hubby, the brother and I) come pick it up anytime in the next 11 weeks :)


  16. that's so funny because I am reading Julia Child's autobiography and feeling like we need to move to France too! Happy (early) Brithday!

  17. I love lists! That's my answer to everything...start with a list:)

  18. Wow! You are amazing! That is a whole lot of stuff for 11 weeks! Good luck!!! :)

  19. If you have a tabletop press I'd love to help you out with #13! ;)

  20. "dreary realization"? 30 is so not old Jordan...

  21. i make lists like that all the time!
    and, i just started reading "my life in france" a couple of days ago. it already has me hooked!

  22. Holy cow...as a fellow obsessive list maker, hear me out when I say cut that list in HALF! You are going to run yourself ragged trying to do all that in under 3 months, especially with the holidays coming, and ESPECIALLY since you are pregnant and have a toddler!

    And as one who's lost a child, let me just say, 89% of the things on that list aren't so very important. Cherish these last weeks with just "one" (life is NEVER gonna be the same again) and ENJOY the PEACE of the holiday season.

  23. i did the same list thing for 30...i'll turn on the 23rd this month and i am happy to say i did not, and will not, get to finish them all...i added some more important things and feel quite accomplished and glad to look towards the next great decade. it is fun to see that many of the items on your list were on mine too. and you've given me a few more ideas to enjoy doing. thanks!

  24. Anonymous10:25 PM

    Good luck with all that. There are so many great things on your list. How lucky would it be to be on your Christmas mailing list and get a letter pressed card from you.

  25. Inspiring list! You should read the Bible instead of the book of Mormon. ;)

  26. Awesome list! For the produce box, I just received my first CSA box from Farm Fresh to You, who source from Bay Area farms and deliver to your doorstep. Beautiful mix of fruits and veggies - worth checking out!

  27. What a lovely list! I'm a big list-maker myself, and usually mine extend years into the future, but I like the idea of making one for just a few short weeks. The concentration probably gives you a nice kick in the pants, I'd think.

  28. Welcome back Jordan! And happy almost 30. I'm 33 now, and all I can say that I already like my 30s now than my 20s, without a doubt. It's just like everyone says: you're still you, just smarter and wiser and generally more confident, in your looks, in yourself, in your job, in your decisions... enjoy your 30th! Knowing you and your party planning skills it will be simple, stylish and memorable!

    p.s. Check out my new blog for some inspiration: www.lilyspruce.com/blog

  29. Skip the will and go straight for the trust. Really, you'll thank me for it later.

  30. Anonymous11:11 PM

    Lovely! I've seen quite a few 30 before 30 lists, but yours is much more interesting than most. I think I'll start doing lists per year; next birthday up is 25, so 25 Before 25... and on and on...

  31. What a wonderful list! I'd like to do some of those myself.

  32. This reminds me that I need to finish making my "27 before 27" list (that I started months ago)! you have some really great ones that I might adapt to my list. :)

  33. If you ever sell a press I will totally buy it.

  34. Jordan - by any standard you are so accomplished. I marvel at all you cram in your days and the standards of everything you do. Even if you only get a fifth of this list done, know that you are a wonderful woman and, at any age, there's so much to admire about you.

  35. wow! I'm turning 30 in 15 weeks- and was just thinking i'll never make it on any sort of "30 awesome people under 30" list. I think i'll make some last minute goals as well!

  36. this list inspired me.

    and so does the rest of this blog. i'm a big fan.

  37. Impressive list. You should post about each one when you cross it off. If you finish them all, you will be my hero.

    Enjoy your thirties; I'm loving them so far. Er, mostly.

  38. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Yay! You're back! Thank goodness. Nice list! You've accomplished so many great things how could you ever feel dreary?

    You're a
    1. writer of a well loved blog
    2. creater of a cool label company
    3. teacher of letterpress (This is so fabulous, I'm totally jealous!)
    4. really cool & creative mom
    5. wife of a successful painter
    6. resident of one of the best cities in the nation

    I thought you were already 30! I need to get moving on some of my goals!

  39. What a beautiful list. I am inspired by your wanting to read the Book of Mormon. You will achieve all these things. I know it!

  40. At 31 I've only gotten my toes wet with the who "thirtys" thing but I must say - I'm loving it! I know you're going to love it too.

  41. This is quite an ambitious list! Best of luck accomplishing it...so many of those items sound like fun activities:)

  42. Impressive list! Massages should be at the top. :) After Gen. Conference, I decided I wanted to read the Bk. of Mormon by the end of the year, which gave me about 12 weeks...so I calculated that each day I'd have to read about 6-7 pages. I bet it'd be the same for you to read it in time for your birthday! So far it's been great making a more conscious effort to read the scriptures - why do they get pushed to the back burner so often?? (that's my problem anyway) Good luck with your list! 30 will be quite the mature, respectable age. :)

  43. I am interested in buying a letterpress machine... maybe I can help you out with one of your to-dos!

    Great list...very inspiring!

  44. That is a crazy list. Good luck! I would love to know your secret.

  45. i think you need to have links attached to each of these:)

  46. will you post on your blog when your letterpress is for sale? (that part of your list made my ears perk up)

  47. lissa lou10:17 PM

    Girl, you have clearly made every moment of your 20s and I think your 30s will surely be no different! And - I can promise you - they're not to be dreaded! I found the 30s to truly be a kinder gentler decade (and frankly - so are the 40s!) Happy Birthday to you!

  48. a great list.. good luck.

  49. Can one (pregnant) person really accomplish all these things in 11 weeks? If so, you are my favorite person.

    Maybe you should give yourself about 11 months, or I'm going to be jealous. Inspiring!

  50. - We have the best house cleaners (you are in SF, right?) Known them for 10+ years. We even just let them have a key to our house, that's how much we trust them, would be happy to share contact info
    - For cleft repair here in SF, Bill Hoffman at UCSF does a lot and has been for awhile, highly recommend (PS may be tough at first, but everything will really be ok regarding the cleft)
    - Doug and Margaret at The Paper Crane in Half Moon Bay might be interested in the letterpress - they have a few and might be interested in more

  51. You have inspired me, I am going to write a list now! xx

  52. I swear- my list would be SO similar. One son, no will, lots of holiday thinking to do and a recent move to Oakland has left us with the messiest garage in history. Thanks for inspiring me to get on it!

  53. Eek! I just turned 30 (11/01!) and this list is perfection.

  54. Anonymous10:40 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. hey jordan... great list! totally random, but do you need a reference for your life insurance/will? my husband is a financial planner in SF and I'm sure he could help you or at least point you in the right direction. let me know. best, becca

  56. I would LOVE to know more about your letterpress, when you are ready to sell!

  57. Please let us know how you do the photo albums on your list. I'm always up for ideas on what works for people. There are so many options these days!
