Some Big News for Us

A few weeks ago when we went in for the mid-pregnancy ultrasound we were told the heartbreaking news that our baby would be born with a cleft lip and palate. It was devastating to us, mostly because we didn't know anything about it. As common as complications in pregnancy are, anything other than a healthy pregnancy is shocking and very stressful. The good news is after some tests the doctors believe it to be an isolated issue, meaning hopefully everything else will be healthy. I got in touch with a few people who have been through this and they were very helpful and informative, reassuring us that while the first year will be very challenging with feeding issues, and surgeries--that for the most part by about one year of age their lives had returned to "normal" and they have beautiful happy babies.

It is overwhelming when I think about what this sweet little baby is going to have to go through but we have come to terms with it and are very hopeful that things will turn out ok. We are now doing our best to prepare for the happy arrival of our new baby boy.

photo of Moses by Aubrey Trinnaman


  1. Oh Jordan, I'm sorry to hear that. For what it's worth, I work closely with a woman who has a (now) one year old who was also born with a cleft lip and palate. He was healthy as could be and the surgery went flawlessly.

    You guys will be great, loving parents to this new little guy!

  2. Anonymous11:40 PM

    i hope everything turns out for the best for you. you guys will be great parents. <3

  3. Anonymous11:41 PM

    This new little guy will have lots of cheerleaders from your blog family rooting for him through everything (and so will you!). That's got to be worth something.

  4. if it's any comfort, our little girl had to spend the first week of her life intubated on a respirator, covered in wires and fed through iv. it was the longest week of my life, and the first time i ever really felt like an adult. now that she's five months old, she's happy as a clam and seems to have no recollection of it at all. my own memory of it is already fading.

    it may seem like a lot to go through, and will feel like a lot when it's happening, but when it's all behind you, neither you or the baby will think about it much. you'll be to busy enjoying each other's company!

    p.s. pls forgive the lack of caps. typing one-handed while nursing the babe!

  5. I'm sure its a bit worrisome for your family, but it will all be ok! Our family will keep yours in our prayers, but most of all, CONGRATS! Two boys = exhaustion and fun!

  6. Anonymous11:48 PM

    I am so sorry about the news. Your baby is fortunate to have parents doing their best to prepare. Many good vibes going your way.
    Bises, D

  7. the baby is/will be loved and that is all that counts!

  8. Thanks for sharing + so sorry to hear. Wishing you and your little ones all the best ... ss

  9. I can only imagine the worry and fear that every parent-to-be goes through and how anything like this would send you into a tailspin of angst.

    But I know what a great Mum you already are. And I really trust that everything will turn out just fine for your little family.

    This baby will be a trooper, just like his Mummy!

  10. He's a lucky little babe to have you guys as parents. Sending prayers your way that all will turn out for the best.

  11. Heather11:51 PM

    Sending you and your family all good thoughts! I have no doubt your little one will be so loved and so lucky.

  12. Sending good energy in your very specific direction. <3 <3 <3

  13. I am so sorry, Jordan. My brother and sister-in-law recently found out that their baby has to have surgeries in his first year of life, so I know how hard it is to get that news. But as I keep telling them - this will just make him all the more special. My thoughts are with you...

  14. i'm so sorry to hear the difficult news, but very happy to hear that you are carrying a healthy baby boy. i've never known a baby with a cleft palate per se, but i did grow up with a girl who was born with one. other than a tiny scar above her lip, which i always thought made her look cool btw, she led a normally strange childhood just like the rest of us. :)

  15. Oh my gosh - you guys are so strong. You are all in my prayers. Everything will be wonderful!

  16. Without hijacking your comments with my own tale of woe, I'll just say I can sympathize. It's good news that the doctors think this is an isolated problem. Hugs to you, Jordan, and bless you and your family.

  17. he's already one of the luckiest guys in all the land. he'll be fine, healthy, and loved SOOOO much.
    we'll be thinking warm and fuzzy thoughts for you and the whole family.

  18. May God bless your family as you press through this challenge together.

  19. Sending you good thoughts. He will be loved & I'm sure you will be wonderful parents!


  20. i'm so sorry for the stress this news has brought you two...i am thinking good thoughts for you and your sweet family. he is still one very lucky bo with wonderful parents.

  21. You.Are.Awesome.

    Your little boy will be so beautiful and precious to you. The first year will be hard, but oh, it will be so worth it.

  22. what a blessing for this baby to have parents who are excited, optimistic, and loving.

  23. sending you lots of positive thoughts and strength right now. your new baby boy is going to be one lucky kid to have two parents and an older brother to spoil him with love.

  24. Jordan, sorry to hear about the complications. As you can tell, you'll have a whole troop of bloggers praying for safe, speedy recoveries and sending lots and lots of good vibes your way.

  25. When I was a dental student at the university of toronto, i did an elective in the cleft lip and palate clinic at sick kids hospital and it was amazing. the babies would come in just after birth and were seen often to adjust prostheses to mold the cartilage of their nose. the babies we saw who had been through the treatment were so wonderful, happy, beautful and healthy. i got to see some of the teenagers who had been through the surgeries and braces and the results were wonderful. i'm sure it will be an added challenge but there are so many amazing centres like the one in toronto that have made such great strides to treat these children.

    i wish for you that your baby is healthy and wonderful and hope that you really enjoy motherhood. i'm sure it will be incredible!

  26. Não tenho dúvidas de que vocês é a pessoa certa para cuidar desse bebê!!! Ele trará muita alegria a sua vida amiga. Tudo vai dar certo!

  27. thank you for sharing something so vulnerable. i am sure there will be rough moments in the journey, but the gift of your child will literally push light when you are feeling darkness. when our daughter was born deaf i didn't know any deaf children, so i felt so overwhelmed with grief. two of the things that most helped my husband and i besides prayer: snuggling my newborn little monkey- SHE was totally happy despite appointments and surgeries and tests and her diagnosis- it was ME who was grieving my expectations and hopes; her joy pierced my sadness AND connecting with other parents (online and in person) who had gone through the same thing before me.

    sorry for the long comment!

  28. Jordan, I'm sorry to hear about that. Your precious little boy is so lucky to have you as parents. I hope everything turns out for the best. Sending you and your family good thoughts!

  29. I am a blogstalker. I found you thru Juliann. My niece has a cleft lip and palate. They live in Brentwood and have had all the work done at Children's in Oakland.

    They know all the best MDs and Maxiollofacial people. If you want to talk with her, just comment on her blog and she'll write you.

    Claire is totally nice and normal and a good kid.Her cleft is just another interesting fact about her.

    Here is a post my sister did about Claire.

  30. Your post really touched me. I am so sorry to hear your news. He is so lucky to have such a loving family. I wish you all the best.

  31. jordan,

    i'm sorry to hear that your baby's first year will be filled with surgeries, but i know that he's extremely lucky to be born to such loving + caring parents. from this adversity will rise great strength.

  32. My prayers go out to you and your family. Stay strong and positive! xoxo

  33. My daughter was born a preemie, so I know how you must be feeling. It's amazing how our mindset changes once we are put into a situation. Wishing you and your family lots of love and patience.

  34. He will bring you so much joy. :D What a wonderful blessing that this new baby is already receiving so much love from his family. All the best!

  35. please please please watch the movie Smile Pinky. I think it will make you feel better.

    Good luck and I'm happy to hear it's isolated.

  36. It may feel very scary and be frustrating, but we all have to remember how lucky many of us are to live in developed countries where getting procedures to fix a cleft palate is possible.

    It's heartbreaking seeing children and their mothers in underdeveloped countries who don't get treatment for this problem, unless they get a visit from organizations like operation smile. It's devastating how many children have to live with this for YEARS untreated.

    I hope you will document for us what you go through with your new baby. It can not only be educational to the general public, but remind us all that this can happen to anyone, and that no child deserves to go though life with this problem untreated.

  37. sorry to hear about the complications, but happy things will be fine. as everyone else said, eh'll be a lucky little guy.

    sending prayers your way!

  38. Prayers are with your family! Wishing you every happiness as you welcome your new bundle of joy into the world.

  39. hi jordan - i only know you through your blog but wanted to send hugs. that is a lot to deal with. you guys seem awesome and i'm sure you'll be amazing, as will your sweet little boy. thanks for sharing your world with the rest of us. best of luck, thoughts & prayers!

  40. Hi Jordan, you don't know me, but a friend of mine referred me to your blog. I have 2 little boys that were born with cleft lip and palate. Their clefts too are nonsyndromic or isolated. They are now 4 and 2 years old and the apples of my eyes. My heart goes out to you. I will email you. Hugs, Anna

  41. Just wanted to say that I can sympathize with you guys. I know firsthand how devastating it is at that 20 week ultrasound to hear anything other than good news. Our son was born with a clubfoot, which we were told about at that appointment. I must say, however, that it is such a blessing to learn about it beforehand, instead of finding out at the birth. You will have so much time to research and learn about his condition, and you'll be prepared to do whatever needs doing. After wondering what my son's foot would look like for the rest of the pregnancy, when he was born my first thought was "that's not that bad!"

  42. Having a child with special needs, I can promise you that the journey will be worthwhile and one you will cherish...even though it wasn't initially what you were hoping for. Enjoy your pregnancy and rely on your Heavenly Father for peace, comfort and strength.

  43. praying for you sweet one...and you, dear.

  44. I've loved your blog for some time now. I'm so sorry to hear your news. It is so scary to find out that things aren't 100% perfect but I agree with other commenters who have said so much better to find out now than at birth. A friend of mine also had a baby girl born with a cleft palate that they did only discover at birth. It is absolutely remarkable what the surgeries can accomplish in such a relatively short amount of time. She is a beautiful happy healthy 2+ year old now. Wishing you much strength and lots of support in the coming year.

  45. Jordan,

    I work with an organization that provides cleft support--and I know how beautiful and amazing cleft kids are. I believe you and Paul will excel as parents of a cleft kid--and with your abilities, will end up being a blessing for your family. Thank you for your bravery in putting a face to this birth defect.

  46. this will be a gorgeous and loved baby boy. stay positive and be brave. thanks for your great blog, can't wait for updates about this little guy!xoxo

  47. Anonymous3:12 AM

    Aw. That's sad news.

    I had a baby last year who had to spend a bit of time in the NICU. It was a new and overwhelming experience for me. His nursery-mates were three little ones with cleft palates and I was so impressed by the composure of the parents. I asked one of the nurses about it and she said it's bcs those parents had received this news earlier on and had had time to get used to the idea and get a plan ready. While the rest of us were freaked, they were holding and singing to there babies. You'll get there too. Sounds like you're getting there already. He'll be a beauty, no doubt.

  48. Anonymous3:18 AM

    I'm sorry for the sudden news and your struggles. I will keep you in my prayers.

    Congrats on another boy!

  49. your baby will be beautiful. my heart goes out to you and your husband.

  50. my baby had to have surgery a few months ago (a rare problem with her intestine) and we shared a room with two different babies who had surgery for a cleft palate. they were just in for one night each, so it is a relatively brief hospitalization. and they were 5 months old. my baby was 11 months and within a few days of leaving the hospital it was like it never happened. i think the anticipation may be the hardest part for you--but know that babies heal very, very fast.

  51. I'm sorry to hear that your cute family has been going through extra stress with this pregnancy. If you are looking for some good cleft lip and palate resources in SF, Aaron did his research with a Pediatrician at UOP who specializes in Cleft lip and Palate. Her name is Dr. Marie Tolerova and she travels all over the world with a team who specializes in fixing clefts. She is really great. If you have questions or are looking for a specialist in that field she would be a good person to talk to. You can tell her Aaron recommended her as a resource. We will keep you in our prayers!

  52. Stacy Miller4:25 AM

    I am so sorry to hear that. I had a baby at the same time you had Moses and am pregnant now too. Your news hits me in a personal way even though we are strangers. I'll be hoping this is a small glitch in what I'm sure will be a beautiful life for your new little boy.

  53. your grace is inspiring. i hope it is as smooth a process as it can be.

  54. Hi Jordan - I too only know you through your blog, but I have to say that this baby boy is already so loved, you can just feel it. Will keep you all in our prayers for that first year.

  55. When I was in college, I had the BIGGEST crush on a guy who was born with a cleft lip/palette. I just love the shape of his lips. It'll all be OK and he'll be beautiful.

  56. Melissa M.5:43 AM

    I'm sending good thoughts and prayers toward you and your baby. I know you must be excited for his arrival, and I'm sure it will be as wonderful as you hope it to be.

  57. We've been through some hardships with my son and many hospital visits and tests. The thing is, kids are remarkably resilient. Sometimes it is harder emotionally for the parents and the kids work through the physical pain faster than you'd think. Plus, there's nothing like going to Children's Hospital to make you look around and realize that you are actually more lucky than you think. We wish you strength and moments of joy after some times of hardship.

  58. I'm so sorry to hear about the complications, but I know that whatever the baby goes through in his first few months will make him into a wonderful, caring thoughtful soul. He's your child, so he's going to rock! :)

  59. I'm so sorry, Jordan. I also knew a boy who had a repaired cleft palate, and I was always intrigued by the slight scar on his upper lip.

    Also, Tom Brokaw had a cleft palate. So there you go. (Also Cheech Marin, but we can't have everything.) Wishing you guys all the strength and happiness in the world. You'll all be fine.

  60. You inspire me.

    Brooke Wilson Oldroyd

  61. hi jordan, i'm a friend of k. smoot and i just want to say that i have an idea of what you are going through. if you have time you should stop by my blog to see my piper jane and understand what i mean. i'm not saying it to commiserate, i'm saying it because you wont believe how much you can handle when you are put to a challenge like this. and you wont believe the love you have for a sick baby despite the less than ideal circumstances. and you wont believe how happy your family can be with the tough situation if you remember to be grateful.


  62. Hi Jordan: I want to second Damaris's recommendation to see Smile Pinky. The work done by Smile Train in India and elsewhere is amazing. I had already decided that Smile Train would be my charity of choice this holiday season, in honor of friends who would otherwise get knick-knacks; now I will donate in honor of your family, too. Your baby is blessed to be destined for resourceful, empowered parents and I have faith that you will be lifted up by this experience. I wish your family all the best!

  63. We will all be waiting for him - you beautiful baby boy!! Your love makes him perfect and whole! Thinking of the three of you...

  64. correction, i can't possibly know exactly what you're feeling right now. and that must be a terribly frustrating thing to hear so many times. although i found out about my daughter's syndrome at the 17 week ultrasound, our situations are very different and i just wanted to reach out to you.

  65. Anonymous6:27 AM

    He is lucky to have you as parents, and you'll be amazing--- as will he of course!

  66. that must be such hard news to hear. don't know what else to say except my prayers and thoughts will be with you and your little one. not to be trite, but everything will be ok.

  67. Sending prayers to you and your family.

  68. My heart goes out to you. My boy has several severe food allergies, the diagnosis of which was devastating when it came. Of course, it's life as usual now, but that time of realization and learning is so hard. What a blessing that he will be healthy and strong in every other way. It's sounds like he is very fortunate to have such wonderful parents!

  69. oh, jordan, i'm so sorry to hear that. he is so lucky to have such wonderful, smart and loving parents to take good care of him. xoxo

  70. I'm so sorry that you've got to go through all this terrible worry. I know it well. Like many of the people who've posted my baby was ill. Our little one was born at 25 weeks and one of his issues is his palate. He's 7 and doing great now. I've blogged his story, including the happy ending over at cowgirlinwellies. Best wishes and fingers crossed for you and your little one.

  71. I know this is not the kind of news that any parent wants but love can overcome amazing mountains. This is one lucky child!

  72. I'm so sorry that you have to have this trial. But know that your faith will strengthen through all this. My son was born 8 weeks early, hospitalized for 2 months and had to have surgery. Very trying. But my testimony grew immensely just seeing his strength and resilience. Now my almost 3 year old is perfectly healthy and his spirit and zest for life is infectious. Your son is being sent to you because you are exactly what he needs - a loving family!! We will keep you and your son is our prayers.

  73. I don't know you and came on your blog via OhJoy. Some message to get introduced with your blog. I wish you all the best and heaps of love for the little one.

  74. Though the physical impairments my second son was born with are different, the surprise of having a child born less-than whole is the same. I didn't find out about my sons impairments until he was born and that amputation would be in his future. It was shocking.

    I promise you it is just as easy to love a child with an impairment. And that you will be blessed with strength (and good friends I'm sure) during surgeries.

    And you just learn all you can about this impairment. It doesn't take long before it becomes part of life. You forget you ever thought your child was so different and wonder why you ever thought it might be so hard.

    For what it's worth, I have a cousin born with a cleft lip and palate. She is now a beautiful, thriving, happily married, crazy-fun twenty something.

    You'll be great, no doubt.

  75. I know two beautiful children born with cleft lips and palette. One was so severe that it went into his sinuses (he's 19 now). Both children are remarkably happy and healthy and though feeding was a challenge the first year the children have no recollection of the ordeal and live totally normal lives.
    My prayers are with you during this hard time. Your second son is so blessed to have been chosen for your family.

  76. Allison Profeta3:57 PM

    I know you don't know me at all, but I have followed your blog for about a year now and find it inspiring! I just wanted to comment on this post and let you know that you should look into finding a local Early Intervention agency after your son is born. EI is a federally funded program that provides therapeutic services to children age birth - 3 at no charge to families. I work at an EI agency in NY. I can give you more advice and guidance in finding one out by you in CA. Your son's diagnosis means that he is automatically eligible for services in NY. I imagine it's the same in CA. You could get him speech and feeding therapy right away. If you ever need advice, feel free to email me at I'm sure he'll be fine! He's got a wonderful family looking out for him!

  77. Jordan- I have followed for quite awhile now. I think I found you through Design Mom. While we don;t know one another, I feel like I have come to know a bit abot you through this wonderful blog. I am 28 weeks pregnant and can only imagine the heaviness of your news. If you are as great and caring a person as the Jordan that comes across this blog, this struggle will only strengthen you. Thoughts and prayers go out to you for a healthy delivery, a happy baby, and strength in this first tough year. Prayers to you from North Carolina.

  78. i know you have lots of comments along these same lines but how ironic that i read this post this morning.

    at 11am, my nephew will be going in for his cleft surgery. he's 10 months old and the happiest, sweetest baby in the world.

    he is a big chunk and hasn't suffered 1 bit due to the cleft. he knows no other way of life!

    the surgery should last 2 hours and he'll be better than ever in a few weeks time!

    i know its overwhelming but i cant stress enough how much of a non-issue this has been in this little guy's life!

  79. What a lucky baby to be born into such a wonderful family. I hope the worries and challenges are minuscule in comparison to the joy this baby adds to your lives.

  80. Wow. It must be heartbreaking to hear anything except good news when you're expecting! But also what a blessing that this can be fixed relatively easily and quickly. Hope the doctor updates from here on out are nothing but great!

  81. Jessa4:35 PM

    My dad was born with a cleft lip and palate (in 1948). His team of doctors did an amazing job back then, so Ii can only imagine the fantastic work being done today. In honor of my wonderful dad (and because I know that I also have an increased likelihood of having a child with a cleft lip and palate), The Smile Train is always on my list of charitable giving.

    My dad, like your little one, was blessed with fantastic, loving parents, which makes all the difference in the world. take care.

  82. Genevieve4:46 PM

    Our thoughts are with you. You seem like an awesome family, and I know you will be wonderful, supportive parents to the little guy...and he will be fine.

  83. Congratulations on your new baby and positive and open attitude - Nothing can beat that. Your new babe is one lucky guy!

  84. jordan, i only know you through your blog ... but wanted to write a note of prayer and encouragement.

    how blessed you are with all these supportive comments, makes me smile & warms my heart for you.

    while the news you received was unexpected ... i pray God's blessings & peace surround you all as you go through this.

  85. My son (almost 2) has a PWT (birthmark) on one side of his face and it was really hard. I felt so silly for being worried about it because it's cosmetic-- the rest of him was healthy! I know cleft-pallets can cause other problems--actually, because his PWT was so close to his eyes, my son had a high risk of brain trauma and glaucoma-- but it was ALL OKAY. I guess this is just my way of saying that I'm sure that things will work out for the best for you!

  86. I'm so sorry to hear that your darling baby will have a tough first year, but with such a wonderful mother to love him and care for him I'm sure you will all come out of it happy and healthy. I'm keeping you in my thoughts...

  87. Jessica5:39 PM

    Love to you and prayers on your behalf. It is a shock to learn that everything isn't going to be perfect, but you will handle it gracefully. What a blessing for that baby boy that he has such loving, caring, prepared parents to welcome him into this world.

  88. Sorry to hear that Jordan. Just thought I'd write you a comment because my cousin's baby just had his second surgery this week. Everything is going great. It's a routine operation, and you all will make it through with flying colors <3

  89. I said a prayer today that God would give your family strength and continue to bless your family. I am sorry your little one will have to go through so much his first year. Thankfully God has placed him into a loving and caring home...he couldn't be in better hands. :)

  90. What a hard and upsetting thing to hear. I'm so sorry. It sounds like you already have a really positive attitude going into it though. I've often found that through really hard things come amazing (unexpected) blessings. Who knows the blessings this new little guy will bring to your home and life. I'm sure it will bring you even closer as a family and refine you both even further.
    I wish you all the best.

  91. Sorry to hear the news but thank goodness you guys are very positive. Wish you the best.

  92. My nephew was born with bi-lateral cleft lip/palate and just turned 1 :) he is gorgeous and is such a blessing in our lives. God is always faithful through the trials that we go through.

  93. many prayers & blessings to you & your family for the challenges ahead. i'm sure at times it will be overwhelmingly challenging, but you will be carried through to other side & moses' new little brother will be a stronger & braver boy for all of it. with open arms & hearts, anjie & alesia

  94. Your little guy will have a thousand cheerleaders out in the world pulling for him and wishing you all well - I'm one of them! Even if the way is difficult at first, hopefully all that positive energy will wash around him and make things as easy as possible.

    You and your family will be in my thoughts.


  95. dear jordan, i can't even remember how i ended up reading your post this morning. i've never seen your blog and was just randomly waltzing through crafty sites...
    i was born with a cleft lip. the first years will be hard, but these days surgeons can accomplish so much it is really amazing. i've often thought about how to work through feeding issues if i ever have a baby with a cleft. i have one son with no cleft issues but i know the risk of cleft is higher since i have one. one site with some good resources is kellymom dot com, there is a specific page on cleft feeding.

    for right now i hope you are able to take some time to be gentle with yourself, to ask for help when you need it, and find peace in the midst of the anxiety.

    many blessings, a.

  96. Anonymous6:50 PM

    hoping for the best for you all.

  97. I'm so sorry, I know this is weighing heavy on your heart.

    For what it's worth, I have a good friend who has a son that was born with the same. He's 7 now and has a scar on his upper lip and is perfectly fine. Her sister also had a baby last year with the same thing and she is currently going through the surgeries with great results.

    Hugs to you all.

  98. Appreciate your courage to share.

    As hard as this might be now and later when the baby is born, I am sure every little accomplishment will be beautiful and you child will bring you enough and more joy.

    I hope you continue to share so that we can support you by doing our bit.

    Take care!

  99. my best to your family...

    {and to tell you i'm in awe of your strength? seems like a huge understatement. best, really.}

  100. Best wishes and all my best prayers with sprinkles and the good frosting are being sent your way for strength and all the right people to come into your life over the next few years.

  101. Jordan, sending you and your family good thoughts and strength during this challenging time!

  102. Hi Jordan
    hard news to hear. my son was born with a skull deformity from one of the sutures in his skull that had to be fixed surgically, so i can empathize with the stressfull news. today, he thinks his scar is cool! hang in there!

  103. Also wishing you lots of strength and happiness.

  104. Anonymous8:37 PM

    I've just found your gorgeous blog and I must say that I'm overwhelmed by your honesty. You obviously have so many people who support you and love your baby already, which is so heartwarming. I have no doubt that your baby will be a healthy and beautiful boy, and will have my thoughts with you!

  105. I am so glad you blogged about your news. You will have so much support!
    I wish I had been blogging in 2003 when our son was born with a cleft!

  106. Anonymous11:17 PM

    I'm sorry to hear that, I hope you are able to enjoy your pregnancy and look forward to the baby's birth nevertheless.

  107. I'm so sorry that you and your family have to go through this trial - trials are painful...but especially so when they involve a baby. He will receive excellent medical care and most importantly all the love and blessings he needs and deserves. He has come to your family for a reason - you and Paul will be magnificent parents to him. Everything will work out. And we will cheer you on in the process :) Thanks for sharing and allowing us to carry your burden with you.

  108. I'm so sorry!
    It's so good to hear that you've already found and talked to other parents who are on the other side of things. I'm also glad to hear that while this is very difficult and sad for you, you still maintain a positive attitude!
    Your baby is blessed to have you!

  109. Dear Jordan,
    First, all though you are prepared what to expect, just don't. Know in your heart that you are carrying nothing less than the perfect child, as a gift from God. It is very important as a mother to know that your baby has nothing to lack.

    Second, I gave birth to a blind baby 23 years ago, and at the time it was so painful but I can not tell you what a blessing he has been in my life, and what a light carrier he is...I am blessed!

    Third, I have a nice with cleft palette and she was abandoned in a basket at the foster home's steps. My sweet sister in law adopted her and she is a doll! We love her!

    This is not a burden-it is a GIFT!

  110. I'm so sorry that you and your sweet baby will have to deal with this. I'm very glad that by a year, most babies are happy, healthy, and normal. We'll be praying for you and will be around to help if you need us!

  111. what a brave post jordan, thanks for sharing. truly truly inspiring.

  112. echoing everyone else's sentiments--your grace is inspiring, your strength is empowering. so glad to hear that everything else is going okay with your newest little one. i wish you the best of luck and so many blessings on this adventure!

  113. I am sorry your family will have to face this challenge. Lots of love coming your way. xoxo

  114. we'll be praying for you that all the surgeries will go well. he's a lucky boy to be born to your family.

  115. I was born with a clef lip and palate. That was 42 years ago...I had my repair at Primary Children's in SLC, UT. They have come a long way since then. Also, I have worked on Pediatrics for 22 can do this. They have so much available to you.
    It will be rough for the first year. Also, plan on braces for his teeth, possibly frequent ear infections.

    How lucky this baby is to have YOU.

  116. thinking of you and wishing you all the best for the challenges that lie ahead. heres to love getting you through x

  117. Anonymous12:46 PM

    have just read your post(discovered for the first time via A cup of Jo) what a lovely blog. very sorry to hear the news of your little boy, all will be fine- the love is all that counts x

  118. Wow, it's all in your perspective. My daughter is carrying a high risk pregnancy and due to meds that she must take for a residual brain tumor, her baby is at an increased risk of having a cleft palate. We celebrated. could be much worse.

  119. sending good thoughts and prayers your way ~

  120. I'm so very sorry to hear the difficult news. Your baby is so very luck to have you as parents. I'm sure your family will be in many readers thoughts and prayers. Best of luck to you.

  121. Oh, Jordan I'm so sorry that you're going through this but, it really is such great news that this is an isolated issue. W/out getting into details let's just say that I know how stressful this can be but I'm confident that your little boy will be perfectly healthy. I'll be keeping you in my thoughts.

  122. I'm not sure if I've even commented on your blog before (although I've been a reader for over a year), but I wanted to let you know that I will be praying for you and the rest of your family during this trying time.

  123. Don't panic at all! 26 years ago my other half was born with a cleft lip & palate. He's had his fair fair of surgery but you can't even tell. Current methods are even better and it's really easy to fix :)

  124. Sending every good thought your way, and wishing you much strength, and joy, too.

  125. Jordan,

    My little newborn was diagnosed with a birth defect when he was 2 weeks old. He's 7 weeks old now, and the last month and a half have been at times more intense and worry-filled than any other time in our lives, but I've also realized that life is always life. Time moves forward, normal day-to-day things keep heppening, and somehow even when things are wrong, they can also be incredibly right and beautiful. Heavenly Father gave us that gift with our understanding of eternital families. May /god bless you and your family during this time of incredible change.

  126. Jordan & Family,

    praying God's blessings and peace upon you! And for a very happy healthy and very much loved baby:) All is well.

  127. You and your family are in my thoughts.

  128. sending you and your family lots of love.

  129. sending you lots of good thoughts, prayers, and love to your family

  130. A home full of love is exactly what this little guy will need and it's exactly what he will have. Best of luck, always.

  131. Oh Jordan, I feel for you. My first child had 2 surgeries in her first year and it was stressful indeed. I realize that your little guy will probably undergo many more so my heart goes out to you. Once you make it through that first year it sounds like all will be well. Hang in there and thank you for being brave and honest enough to share this personal news with us all. xo

  132. Jordan, this baby will be surrounded by what's most important - love & family. we went through a lot with Ruby when she was first born, and it only makes you realize how special those little bundles really are. be strong & love to you both, amber

  133. I don't usually comment on your blog although I read it religiously and I just wanted to add my good wishes and support - good luck!

  134. I'll be praying for you, your family and your soon to be little one. That everything goes well and that there are no complications.

  135. Your post touched my heart. I can't say that I relate, but I wish you the very best of luck. Little boys are the most wonderful blessing on earth. Good luck to you, your family and your little dude.

  136. Anonymous11:12 PM

    that is really tragic news and im really sorry to hear this. i have to say though, i think joaquin phoenix is one of the hottest guys around. think positive thoughts!



    Please take a look at my friend's blog. She too had a son who's palate was cleft. She's an RN (I think) and so, she has lots to see on her blog!!

  138. You will be a great momma to this new little one! God bless you guys as you tackle the challenges ahead. You guys are such a great sounding family I know you will all do so well.

  139. I'm sorry to hear that, but I do hope things turn out well for you and your new little boy. I'll be praying for you and your family :)

  140. Jordan, I am so sorry to hear about your son. but am so thankful that your baby is healthy otherwise.

    though it will be a trying time, i am
    glad you are staying positive.

    i am so excited for you and your new addition to your family!

    we are all here for you.

    xo. danni

  141. Everything will be fine. I recently photographed a cute little family that adopted a little baby boy that had a cleft lip. She recently posted some pics before and after and after of her cute little guy... a year after surgery. You might be interested..

  142. Our nephew was born with a cleft palate & had the surgery when he was a tiny baby. Now he is a smiling, chatty, energetic, 4 year old who loves to sing & draw & run around with the other pre-schoolers. So he got a jump start on his first scar (very small above his lip), he is a happy & healthy kid!

  143. Rachael11:55 PM

    Jordan - you are so inspirational to write such an honest, strong, heartfelt post. With such love and beauty surrounding him, your baby will thrive!

  144. Anonymous7:38 AM

    Good Luck and best wishes. As hard as it may seem now once your little one is born your love will overcome all.

  145. My husband's switching from General Surgery into Oral-Maxillofacial Surgery, purely out of the joy he got from one month working in cleft lip / cleft palate repair. Rather than the standard motorcycle accidents and ruptured appendix surgeries he's been doing, he'd prefer to do an exciting operation that has such a good prognosis and makes such a difference. (And the idea of a month a year on Operation Smile appeals to him as well, of course.) All will be well :) (And, I seem to have skimmed past things in my rss feed reader -- I just now discovered that you're expecting! Congratulations!)

  146. Kristy6:19 AM

    Jordan, my friend Halle went through the same thing with her son Jackson. Check out her blog: Travels with Jackson. Also, they have something called the Jackson Smile Project. It was a year of struggle but now, Jackson is the sweetest, happiest baby with the greatest smile I have ever seen.

  147. Hello, I was looking through your archives, because I just found and love your blog!
    Congratulations on your baby!
    My best friend got this news when her sister was pregnant, so I can only try to imagine the range of emotions you are going through.
    She wrote a beautiful essay on my blog today about their experience - abby pre and post surgery and also their involvement in Smile Train and the good they do around the world. Thought you might enjoy reading it and seeing the pictures of the adorable abigail.

  148. My hubby had a cleft lip and palate. His mom had a lot of challenges at first - lot's of surgeries, dental visits... but everything is fine now. You can hardly notice a scar or anything and both of our kids haven't had any problems. I am sure things are even better now with new technologies. Best Wishes!

  149. This baby is so lucky to be born into such a loving family. You will find all the ways to make it work and life will be just fine with all of the love you have.... xoxoxo prayers for you all that things are far less complicated than you may imagine.

  150. I'm so sorry that you've gotten this stressful information during your pregnancy. Anything short of "your baby is 110% healthy is indeed nerve-wracking (I have 2 kids). But once his little surgeries are done I'm sure all of this will be but a memory. I will say a little prayer for him (and for your peace of mind:).

  151. Anonymous8:23 PM

    My heart goes out to you. What a blessing that he has you as parents. 34 years ago one of my siblings was born with a cleft lip and pallet and it is not noticeable at all today.
    My mother was (poorly) advised to never take a picture of that side of my brothers face and she regrets that decision to this day. Take many photos of your sweet baby boy and his cleft lip/pallet (I am sure you will)!

  152. Hi Jordan,

    Congratulations on your beautiful new son. I was especially touched when I saw his photograph; my cousin was born with a cleft palette 12 years ago and my aunt had a very difficult time with feeding. Today, she is a beautiful, kind, and perfectly healthy girl. My son was born six months ago with both of his feet severely clubbed and we have had to have his legs in casts, surgery, and now in leg braces, but he is strong and cheerful and we are optimistic that he will walk without trouble in a few months. Having a child with medical problems can be very isolating; it has really helped m to be able to talk to other mothers who have had similar experiences. God bless your family and I wish you all courage and good health over the next year.

  153. My first visit to your blog. I maybe a stranger but I am sending you lots and lots of prayers. Your baby boy is adorable. I just had a baby girl on January 19. I think each and every baby is a miracle.
    God bless.

  154. They do so many of these surgeries that it will be perfect! No worries!

  155. What a sweetie pie you have! I am a bit late to the game on this, but hope that you are all doing well. My father is a pediatric plastic surgeon specializing in Craniofacial deformities who has been in practice for over 33 years. I love hearing his stories of patients and how they are doing years down the line. I assume that you have lots of great resources but if you are interested in any more I would be happy to round up some! Happy to hear that these first surgeries are out of the way! Happy new year!
