Tying Bows

I have this little goal in the next few months to become a bow tying expert. I want to know how to tie every bow I can. It is one of those things I've always wanted to do and I decided now is the time. I guess this also means I will just HAVE to buy lots and lots of ribbon to practice with. (A great slideshow with instructions right here.)

(First photo from Purl Bee via simplesong, Second and Third photo from Martha Stewart)


  1. I agree. I want to learn how to tie pretty bows too. My sister and my mom are incredible bow tying experts and their christmas presents are always stunning. It makes such a difference!

  2. i never learned how to roller skate, but i can tie a bow like nobody's business. when i was a kid, i used to beg my mom to let me wrap my own christmas presents and i would get bow crazy!

  3. oh yes...bows are the best. a well-tied bow pardons a multitude of sins (badly wrapped gift, poor card construction, the fact that there IS NO gift, etc.). my sister is the grand master...

  4. how fun! i know nothing beyond a square bow so i'm going to do it too...you've inspired me. those ribbons alone are so tempting!

  5. Ha! Any excuse to buy pretty ribbon sounds like a good excuse to me..! :)

  6. I did that two years ago for christmas and I've NEVER forgotten them! it's like riding a bike!!

  7. Beautiful. I need to learn how to wrap and package things beautifully over the next few months. I have a feeling that grosgrain ribbon will be a key part of this.

  8. What a pretty picture with all the color ribbons laying on linen. Bow tying is a special talent, not everyone can do it. I'm sure you'll be great at it.

  9. I hope you show us picures of all the pretty bows you learn to tie!

  10. Many years ago, I bought a book called "Beautiful Ribbons" by Mary Norden. It has lots of step-by-step instructions on bow tying. It's such a beautiful, visually inspiring little book!

  11. For years I always admired my mom's wrapping and I finally learned her tricks a few years ago. It takes FOREVER to make bows the way she does, but it turns out so beautiful no one ever wants to open their gifts. I think I may just start wrapping empty boxes and give them away :)

  12. I love beautifully wrapped gifts - it makes whatever is inside seem special. Thanks for posting the tutorial! ~ K

  13. those ribbons are beautiful! good luck learning to tie. I am terrible at it.

    You have so many beautiful pictures on your blog. I can't get over it...

  14. my grandmother was a bow tying expert and luckily she passed it on to my stepmother, who passed it on to me. it's like letter writing - it will never go out of style and always makes the recipient feel special. thanks for posting!

  15. What great ways to dress up any package! Thanks for sharing!
