Paulette Macarons

When I need to say "thank you" one of my old stand bys is to stop and pick up a pack of macarons. They are a fun colorful treat. I've even ordered them online at Paulettes and had them shipped overnight.


  1. I'm so glad to discover they do overnight shipping! They have one near me in Beverly Hills and I find myself there about once a week, walking in with a head of shame when the clerk says "A Vanilla, Chocolate, Coffee and Jasmin, right?"

    But they're SO good!

  2. I have just recently discovered the deliciousness of macarons since I moved to Las Vegas and have started to inhabit Bouchon Bakery. They are fabulous. Everyone has been posting about them lately – I'm glad to know of a source that overnights them! Great idea for a last-minute present!

  3. lovely!!! the last time i had a macaroon was at laduree in london!

  4. Have you tried the ones in SF Chinatown. They are sooo good and usually still warm.

    I love you blog too by the way! Just now finally found it.

  5. Oh, thanks for reminding me of this. I'm about to order these for my stepmom's birthday.

  6. And they have a Paulette in San Francisco now, on Hayes! Super dangerous for me...

  7. Mmmm. I wish they had macarons in St. Louis. But I had some in Chicago this summer for the first time, and they were SO good - I may have to splurge to get some of these guys.

  8. oh my god these are amazing!! if only they'd ship overnight to london. We have a Laduree but it's really expensive.
    I love the packaging!

  9. OMG. Thank you for this. I've just bookmarked the site. Perfect for tasty treats for some very lucky people.

  10. Wow, even if you don't like macarons, with this amazing packaging it makes you want to eat them!

  11. Oh, I just had those last weekend. Paulette's are ridiculously good! Love the lemon and pistachio!!

  12. I just bought a box on Hayes today. I had gone to the one in LA a few times and was so excited to find that they had opened a shop in my hometown! I also saw that you have a post on miette... their peanut butter cookies are scrumptious!
