Vintage Maps + Globes

New post is up on Project Wedding, this time it's about maps! I love the idea of hanging maps and using them as backdrops for photos. The linens, dishware, and chairs were rented from Abbey Rental. I always use these guys when I do parties. They are big enough to have a huge selection but small enough that they are really personable and helpful. Love them.

ps: that guy in the 4th photo....I've totally tapped that.


  1. Hahahhaha. :)

    Love the colors and the design - your parties always look like so much fun. I think I have a design crush on you!

  2. Did you get the map from the Map Guy at the Alameda flea market?

    I love all his maps.

  3. did you just use the term, "tapped that"?? i think this makes me love you...

  4. that just made me cackle.

    Love your blog, soo much!


  5. love your blog! and the "tapped that" just made me love it more!

  6. it looks lovely. quite inspirational... makes me want to throw a party!!!

  7. love reading the phrase "tapped that" on a pretty things blog. it made me laugh out loud. we just moved to boston, if your husband ever wants to feel like redheads are not becoming extinct (like everyone is saying) you should plan a trip here. there are about a zillion redheads. i love it

  8. you're killing me with the pretty + creativeness! p.s. where can i snag some chairs like that? i LOVE LOVE LOVE them!!

  9. The colors are fabulous. I have a thing for globes and maps pretty much because they feature the best blues, greens, and yellows -- such a nuanced spectrum.

    I'd tap that party in a heartbeat.

  10. hahaha, I am CRACKING UP right now at your comment there at the end! :)

  11. lmao...such words, such words! :)

    Great table though. I really like the colors.

  12. Love your blog. Another twist on this theme is using maps as wrapping paper. My brother-in-law, an hobby pilot, is famous for doing this and his gifts always look FABULOUS.

  13. So you go out and buy/rent all this stuff, set it up and take pretty photos? Sweet!

    (p.s. High five!)

  14. I love the map idea for weddings! I collect the retractable educational maps and globes and agree that they would make great backdrops for photos! I love to give couples globes as a wedding gift because there is something so romantic about all the places you will go together!

  15. [Sorry: what is the meaning of 'tapped that'? I didn't understand...]

  16. McKay2:15 PM

    yeah baby

    I love maps, and as always, love what you have done.

  17. These are great colors together with the globes. You could do this for any kind of party. Great idea!

  18. Bwahahahahah!
    Love you & your husband

  19. That made me spit my coffee out.

    *hugs Joaninha*

  20. i love your blog and fabulous ideas, jordan. this table is great, and i think the set-up would also be terrific for a fancy graduation party.

  21. I am

  22. you have me giggling. lovely wedding, too!

  23. Okay, the 'tapped that' comment is so damn funny that I guffawed out loud and my kids wanted to know why. Love it

  24. oh my goodness, I love this. I collect globes, and this is perfect! You have great ideas, keep them coming!

  25. Oh my gosh, I am totally obsessed with globes, and I practically squealed when I saw the first picture! Could I post about this next week?

    xoxo Maggie

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  28. as a huge map & globe collector I love this so much! may have to have a party just to do this in my backyard!

  29. Dude! I just bought a globe at the Alemany flea on Sunday and I've already fallen in love with it! I love globes! And I love how you repurposed them all Jordan-style. Very nice!

  30. LOVE LOVE your ideas!!!

    and that ps. is TOOOOO CUTE! cute cute cute!

  31. wow, this is so cute! i'm a map gal and adore the tablescape. pam

  32. Beautiful colors. I love the blues of the napkins and the yellow of the tablecloth with those globes...but I'm sure you knew that would look good anyhow, lol.

    Great shots.

  33. So fun! And you're right...maps have the best backdrop colors. Great ideas.

  34. Anonymous5:57 PM

    i love the idea of using globes as centerpieces. brilliant!

  35. Love that you "tapped that" HILARIOUS!

  36. I've been reading your blog forever. Your "tapped that" comment made me burst out laughing and brought me to comment for the first time.

    Love your blog like crazy.

  37. Ok, now I got it. Sorry for being on the dumb side, I am from Portugal so sometimes I miss on the expressions. Now I also find "tapped that" deliciously funny. And he must be so happy with the comment.

  38. dood! he's a tenderoni.


  39. You totally just made me LOL.

    This idea is so lovely, it will be one that sticks around in a little corner of my brain 'til my better half & I decide it's time to tie the knot.

    Thank you!

  40. OMG was not expecting that punch line! This is great. You are giving me such great ideas for when my best friend comes home! We miss her so much. I just ordered the maps and tacks, too!

  41. ohhh - i've ALWAYS loved the colors in old maps, but have never thought about actually using them in a party setting! globes for centerpieces? totally genius. well done!
