Patria Amada Brasil!

We just bought tickets to Brazil! We found a really good deal on Delta from LA to Sao Paulo (with taxes and fees it was $475 round trip.) We'll travel to a few different parts of the country and we're leaving little Moses behind with Grandma and Grandpa. Next we have to get our visas from the Brazilian consulate but first I'm going to take a moment to dance around my living room.

photo via


  1. I've been going to Brazil since I was 13. You will LOVE it! Where all will you be visiting?

  2. Wow! Congratulations on making your wish come true! Hope you'll have a truly awesome time.

  3. Hi!
    this is my first time commenting, even though I come by almost everyday... I simply love your blog.
    I am from brazil (salvador-ba) and I would love to know what cities are you visiting and if I can help in anyway.

  4. i think u meant patria amada brasil! hehe sry to get technical..

  5. How exciting! I might be heading to Brazil next year for a wedding, so I am looking forward to reading about your trip.

  6. So cool to see someone put a wish out there and then do things to make it come true!

    How long will you be abroad?

  7. I'm brazilian. I just got back from my sister's wedding. I'm from sao paulo. e-mail me if you want suggestions or tips on where to go. There's this cool feira (market) that has lots of very very very cool things vintage and otherwise. You guys are going to have a blast

  8. How exciting, I've always wanted to go there!

  9. That's nice! I'm from Recife and I'd love to suggest you nice places to visit in my city. Are you coming around here? I hope you have a good time here in Brazil.

  10. Anonymous4:26 AM

    I love the 'dancing' reference. I often dance around to celebrate. Actually I just did it last night!! Have a lovely time. Lisa xo

  11. melissa4:48 AM

    that statue is freaking me out

  12. Brasil is beautiful. I would suggest visiting the south. Florianopolis is an Island just off the coast (connected to the mainland by bridge) of Santa Catarina.

  13. I'm loooving the inexpensive airfare lately. It's so nice!

    $475 is a STEAL though! Good job!

  14. Ooh fun! I love Delta. I just went to London from Iowa on Delta for about the same price. I love a good deal.

  15. Yay! I'm going to dance the lawnmower now!

  16. Oh, Jordan. I adore your blog and, as a brazilian I am even happier to see you are going to visit Brazil. Have a great time. And if you need any tips, let me know!

  17. Sounds so amazing! I can't wait to hear all about it!

  18. Ohhh, my dad lives in Brazil and I am absolutely *dying* to get down there to visit! Be sure to share your adventures while there! :)

  19. Anonymous5:10 PM

    I'm so jealous! i've always wanted to visit Brazil! Hope you have a blast :)

  20. I can't believe you aren't taking Moses - how could you.

    Just joking ... just trying to do what you did to me when I left Lucy for Sweden. The only reason we are taking Lucy on our next trip is because we have trust issues with leaving her now.

  21. Bring me back a present.

  22. you will have so much fun. every couple needs a little grown ups only time on occasion. great job on making your dreams a reality.

  23. I hope you have a good time here!
    Greetings from Brazil :)

  24. Anonymous4:23 AM

    Further to your friend Ashlynn's little joke, I must say that you & Paolo (ha ha) are pretty lucky when it comes to the grandparents looking after Moses for you! You get the best of both worlds (lovely family + an annual holiday sans child). I say this in the nicest possible way because I know that you cherish your extended family. I'm a long-time reader too. x

  25. Great deal! Have fun! Beautiful picture, I'll be it's amazing there...

  26. Anonymous7:38 AM

    Hi Jordan

    Its my first time commenting here .I am a big fan !
    Wow ...what a great deal on the air fare.Im from Brasil and I adore this country.Have fun and make sure to post pics.Can't wait to hear all about it.

  27. Brazil is amazing! And seeing the Cristo Redentor (Corcovado) in person is unforgetable. I hope you get a chance to take a short trip to Rio to see it!
    Have fun!

  28. WHERE did you find this flight?? And when are you leaving?? I am looking for a similar deal for my honeymoon!!!!

  29. $475?! Never, in all my life and trips to Brasil (which is a lot since half my family lives there) have I seen tickets for so cheap. I actually have to go for work at the end of June/beginning of July, so I hope I can find tickets that cheap!

    You'll love it. I highly recommend going to Salvador (in Bahia), if you have the option. Recife & Olinda (in Pernambuco) are also wonderful, though at this time of year the weather is a bit unpredictable (pretty rainy). If you're going to the south, take a jacket. =)

  30. Hi,
    I am from Brazil, Rio.
    Now I am in Seattle for the next two weeks, but feel free to email me if you want tips!

  31. awesome! rio has got to be one of the coolest cities i've ever seen.

  32. My husband and I plus another couple had so much fun bumming around Brazil for a month (about 2 years ago). We couldn't get enough of Sao Paulo and Rio. Iguacu Falls & Itaipu were fabulous, too. I had the best hot chocolate in my life there.

    If you're ever in the middle of Goias, head over to Rio Quente's Hot Park. It's a Brazilian water park and a lot of fun!

  33. Olá!

    I'm from Brasil too! I live in São Paulo, but I know Rio very well.
    You sure will love here!!!



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