Newlywed Map

This morning we're putting the last few things in our suitcase before we jet off to Brazil so I thought this was an appropriate post to take a break on. The people at Project Wedding asked me if I could come up with some projects for the home--stuff for newlyweds to do and this was one of my first ideas. In this project I show how to mount a $12 map to foamcore. Go here to see more photos and directions. I love the idea of keeping track of all your travels or letting your friends mark their travels when they come over and even marking the places you want to travel. It can become such a family tradition. Also, Map Center has the coolest map tacks--some of the flags and tacks you can write dates and names on. {Some of you may remember I've blogged about my friend Michelle's map before.}


  1. I LOVE this idea!!!

  2. My husband and I do this and love it. It's a great conversation piece, it teaches our children geography, and it keeps us thinking about our future travels.

  3. I have a map like this in my office. Granted it is only of the U.S., but I love looking at where I've been and putting new pins in after a trip!

  4. Absolutely love this idea. I might do this for my hubby as a surprise. Have you ever tried to frame it?

  5. We've done this since we were married 13 years ago and it's so fun to see where we have been! We put one color pin for our travels that we make as a couple and a different colored pin for the travels we do as a family!

  6. We have a huge map that hangs in my sons room. It was my husbands grandparents. They have it marked for all of the places they have gone and all the place they have gone seperate. It is so cool to look at and see all of the cool place they have been. It really is a great idea if you travel a lot.

  7. i've been looking for a good map for this exact project-- thanks for the resources :)

  8. Anonymous6:36 PM

    I love this idea because my boyfriend and I both long to travel. Having a big empty map would be great motivation!

  9. We already do this! Who knew it was such a great idea! LOL! =)

  10. my roommates and i did this in college one year. it was so much fun! we had our good friends come over and put pins in for where they were from or where they had been on their missions. by the end of the year we had tons of pins in every continent (except antarctica!)

  11. I LOVE THIS IDEA!! Maybe I can still do it even though we are no longer considered newlyweds.

  12. love this idea! I'm a big fan of maps in any form.

  13. Awesome idea... and have fun in Brazil!

  14. you're so good at this stuff, jordan!!

  15. oh i've been wanting to do this lately!!! thanks for the extra motivation. :)

  16. Many thanks for the tutorial. After a great roadtrip in May I realized we need to add a visual to all the places our family has ventured. Thanks so much for kick starting this project for me. This tutorial is much better than what I had brewing on my own.
    Safe travels.

  17. I love this idea Jordan. Thanks for the inspiration!

  18. in response to the other post:
    In São Paulo go to the Pinacoteca do Estado. it's a great museum, located in the city center, in front of Luz train station. Its XIX century building was restored and adapted by a important brazilian architect, Paulo Mendes da Rocha. it's one of my favorite places in SP, and beside it has a nice garden, called Jardim da Luz, where you can drink a coffe after getting tired of walking through the museum.
    Don't go to 25 de março street, it's too crowded, and you can only find cheap stuff from china.
    Hope you have a nice time in brazil.

  19. This is a great idea. I miss traveling so much but right now we are on such a tight budget. My best friend is on her honeymoon and would love something like this. I am going to try to make one as a gift for her when she returns. Thanks:)

  20. i love this idea! we haven't done much traveling since we had our kids, maybe someday! i've thought of making one of these to track sales from my Etsy shop!

  21. Posey7:11 PM

    Pllleaaasseee even out your nails. Short is cute. Jagged, not so much.

  22. I needed this idea. My husband, three kids, & I moved from the States to England 11 months ago. Travel has been a priority that's been shoved aside for other things. Soon that map will be on our wall & we'll see our history and plan our future.

    Thank you!

  23. Those map pins are amazing! Now that I know where to find terrific map pins, I may get off my butt and hang the giant map I've always dreamed of. Thanks Jordan!

  24. I wall-papered my son's last room with vintage USGS maps from the chair rail down. The colors were amazing but we had to move and I still mourn those maps.

  25. I love this! I'm a big fan of things couples can make/do together and then keep as beautiful mementos...

  26. such a great idea!!!! thanks for the inspiration!

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  28. very cute. you are so full of lovely ideas. stop by my blog-- i referenced your embroidery post + tried my hand at it...


  29. Great idea and really great photos.

  30. You always amaze me! :)

  31. Have a great trip. BTW thank you for your surprise package post on June 3. I just did one for my mom. she loved it.

  32. Congratulations for this great project!

    Hope you're enjoying Brazil. I live here and this country has some fantastic places.

    Which cities are you visiting?

  33. your blog is FANTASTIC! x - kate

  34. How would you frame this? I LOVE the idea but would want something a little more finished on the sides.

  35. very cool!!!! i'm going overseas for the first time in Dec, i'll definitely be doing that!!!!

  36. woww such an inspiration ;)

  37. Thanks for posting this! I love this idea and am going to make one :)
