Downtown Chic

I got my copy of Downtown Chic last week and to say I LOVE this book would be an understatement. Robert and Cortney Novogratz buy old buildings and turn them into amazing living spaces. For three days straight after I got it I was looking up run down buildings in San Francisco to buy. It is completely inspiring, they do things like install a glass garage door next to their dining area so it opens up into their yard. They also bought a home in Brazil that they take their family to every year, they rent it out the rest of the time. Now, I just need to figure out a way to scrounge up a down payment. Seriously, this book is so amazing. You can buy it here.


  1. Anonymous6:42 PM

    On the one hand, I love them and am completely envious. On the other hand there is something about them that makes me a little ill -- I think it's just their publicity-loving ways (how many times has the NY Times featured them? seems like a lot. and a show on bravo is never a good sign IMO). Which, of course, is just a second way of saying I'm envious.

  2. I agree with the last comment about being envious. But I can't blame them for publicity-loving. If the New York Times came to me, I'd be there in a heartbeat, no matter how many times they knocked on my door.

  3. Anonymous7:03 PM

    they are RAD.

  4. I got this book a few weeks ago and although their style is more bold than mine, I'm so inspired by their lifestyle and approach!

  5. Is it bad the I want the book even more because I'm quickly becoming obsessed with the painting above the bed? It's so wonderful. I just bought the book on Amazon. True story.

    PS. You buying and fix up an old building in download San Fransisco would be like blog heaven. You should definitely do it. :)

  6. I've been flirting with the idea of buying this book. Sounds like I need to stop flirting and just do it.

  7. I have ants in my pants waiting for my copy! Cannot WAIT.

  8. Anonymous2:19 AM

    pretty cool that they mentioned you in the book as well :)
