DIY Pop Up Cards

Today's column is by Oh Happy Day contributor Michaela of Bliss!

I've been seeing a lot of pop-up cards around the web lately, all using very intricate, sometimes complicated folding and glueing techniques. Since I'm really more of the simple-diy-lover, I've put together a quick and versatile pop-up card tutorial. The idea is that you can use one basic technique for an endless amount of different pop-up cards.

Start with a simple card and fold it in half. Then cut parallel lines (in pairs of the same length) into the middle fold as shown in the picture. The cuts should be max half the length of the card (otherwise they'll stand out when you close it). Push the flaps forward until your card looks like in the bottom picture.

Now start crafting the bits and pieces to display in your card. I made some balloons and a Good Luck sign for this one. Stick these with paper glue onto the front (not top) part of the folded out flaps. Now when you close your card, it'll look like in the bottom left picture. Just take a 2nd card and glue it on to cover the outside.

Stick some more balloons, or whatever it is you're crafting, onto the flaps and voilĂ  - you're done. You could still add a background to the top and bottom halves. Stick on some clouds in the top part, some grass in the lower one for example.

In the same way you can also create text cards (Happy Birthday), fields of flowers or rows of trees. These would be great for birthday's, graduation, Father's Day or really just about anything.

All photos by Michaela for Oh Happy Day.


  1. I remember when I was in elementary school and I stumbled upon how to make these pop-ups. I forgot about writing and worksheets and we made pop-ups non-stop instead! (Although, of course, they didn't look anywhere near as professional as yours.) Thank you for resurfacing the idea and bringing back great memories!

    I especially love the field of flowers. Gorgeous!


  2. I love pop up cards! Adorable! To me, so much better than singing cards. I need to find someone with a birthday right now...

  3. wow, these are so cool and simple!! can't wait to make one, thanks :)

  4. Such great cards. I posted some different pop up card too. Come take a look

  5. What a great DIY. I always forget to make hand made cards at the last minute. Thanks for the DIY and the reminder to be crafty!

  6. oh my god these are darling!!

  7. These are so wonderful!

  8. Pop Ups make everything better

  9. brilliant DIY--thanks!

  10. How perfect are these? I came into your blog right now to look for gift wrapping ideas for a few birthday gifts and found something even better. Thanks!!

  11. love this idea! will definitely try it out. btw, saw this adorable youtube video of a french girl and made me think of your boys learning french. so stinkin' cute!

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  14. So cute. And inspiring. Thank you! Just pinned this on pinterest ...

    : )

  15. LOVE the flowers so much...

  16. I love pop up cards.Thank you very much for this tutorial

  17. Love it! I'll always have a soft spot for pop up cards & books.

  18. Just great. Love the tulips, totally going to use for my next garden birthday party. Thanks.

  19. These are gorgeous am definately going to try one of these on hubby when its his birthday next month! Thinking i might use a photo of us in the pop up!
    Lovely work...

  20. Wonderful : good idea

  21. Anonymous12:05 AM

    so cute! love them.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Thanks to the inspiration from your blog, I made my hubby a pop-up card for our first anniversary. It surprised him, and he loved it!
