Happy Easter

This week went so fast! I had a root canal on Wednesday, not a pleasant experience, I'm glad its over with. I've been subsiding on liquids because it hurts to chew. Fortunately this weekend is full of fun things. Tomorrow is our Easter Egg hunt with friends. And then Sunday we are heading down to my Aunt's house for Easter dinner. I have everybody's Easter outfits ready, including these great Liberty of London ties for Paul. I outfitted the babes in little European looking duds from H&M and I'm forcing my post-pregnancy body into a skirt (hello Spanx!) and this little top I got on sale from Anthropologie. I hope everyone has a happy weekend. This photo is by Allison Cox and reminds me of Spring.

Two things I loved this week. 1. This op-ed in the New York Times that talks about personal happiness versus career triumphs and 2. This beautiful video about Easter.


  1. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Happy Easter Jordan. I love that tie!

  2. i loved that op-ed as well. happy late easter.

  3. oh no, I hate everything dental. I hope your recovering quickly!

  4. brookeb6:13 AM

    Even better -- a loving spouse who can celebrate career triumphs with you. :D

    The op-ed kind of sounds like Bullock in some sense chose the career over the guy. In reality it sounds like her guy was just a bad choice in and of himself.

  5. i just read that op-ed article. thanks for sharing! I will take marital bliss over career triumphs, money, and anything else for that matter!

  6. loved that NYT article, thanks for sharing!


  7. Root canals suck so bad. I had a dentist tell me that I needed to have 3 of them. Luckily, he was a scammer and it wasn't true.

    I outfitted my little one in a little H&M number, too. I was fortunate enough to be near one the other week, so I stocked up. You're so lucky you're so close to 4 of them!

    Hope you had a happy Easter!

  8. That is so weird...my husband had one on Wednesday too - and I was the dental assistant! Just found your blog from Apartment #34 and am excited to follow via google reader!
